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Where to Buy Grass Fed Beef

Where to buy grass fed beef is a question being asked by more and more people every day. And the reason is that many studies show that grass fed beef is much more nutritious than the alternatives.

Grass-fed beef is a healthier option and the best you’ll ever taste, so you will want to know where to buy grass fed beef. This type of meat comes from cows that mostly eat grass, so their nutritional content is different.

Where to Buy Grass Fed Beef

Unfortunately, some farmers introduce a diet supplemented with soy and corn additives to their cows because it is often less expensive. Others give their cows growth hormones and antibiotics to fatten them before butchering.

Many health advocates suggest the best option for health-conscious consumers is eating only grass-fed meat that is antibiotic-free, hormone-free, and humanely raised. Besides, grass-fed is not the same as grass-finished. If you live in the US and wonder where to buy grass-fed beef, this post is for you.

Where to Buy Grass Fed Beef? 2

Where to Buy Grass Fed Beef?

You should buy grass-fed beef from AGA-certified farms. The American Grass Fed Association is a governing body that guarantees beef quality from its members. These farmers must prove that they respect the land and treat their animals humanly to become members. Some of the affordable grass-fed beef companies are Arizona Grass Fed Beef, Western Grassfed, Greensburg, and Alderspring Ranch, to mention a few.

Finding grass-fed beef can be difficult. That’s why you should look for certified farms and ask the right questions of the farmers whom you plan to purchase your meat from. Here are some suggestions for consumers looking to purchase certified grass fed beef.

Where to Buy Grass Fed Beef Near Me

Here are some of the current top choices of where to buy grass fed beef in America. These companies have outstanding reputations for consistently offering only high-quality products. Also, they ship to most locations across America, making their products accessible to many Americans.

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Where to Buy Grass Fed Beef

Glassland Beef (US Wellness Online)

The US Wellness Online has had a reputation for providing grass-fed meats for over 20 years. They work with organic farmers to provide consumers with high-quality meat. Plus, they exclusively use regenerative agriculture processes in farming thousands of acres. While some companies claim to sell grass-fed beef yet supplement cattle diets with grains and corn, US Wellness farmers use only natural thick grass throughout the life cycle of the cattle.

Butcher Box

Butcher Box offers mouthwatering grass-fed beef. You can pick perfect curated boxes with selections of different cuts of meat. Their meat is clean, affordable, and easily accessible. The Butcher Box organization works exclusively with farmers who know what they are doing and have proven track records of producing high-quality products.

Their cows are 100% grass-fed and are never given antibiotics. The company also adheres to strict fair labor practices, so its employees and facilities are generally impeccable.

Alderspring Ranch

Alderspring Ranch offers grass-fed beef raised on a remote family ranch. No antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, herbicides, or other synthetic materials are used. The soil and land are beneficial for the cattle, and they believe you are what you eat. This ranch has maintained a positive reputation for over 27 years. Their beef also frequently wins blind taste tests when compared to grain-fed steaks.

Everything about Alderspring is outstanding. Beyond cattle raising, their sealing, packing, and delivery systems are top-notch. Their meat is flavorful and nutrient-dense. And there are no middlemen to deal with as you order direct from the farm.

Crowd Cow

Crowd Cow is another option for high-quality grass-fed beef. The company works with several farms and is transparent with its practices. Their meats are perfectly balanced by nature, rich in omega-3 acids, and full of other essential nutrients.

The beef is sourced with care, and the background of its suppliers is well-known so that consumers can be assured of the origins of their products. The team is proud to tell stories of producers, which is another good reason to choose this company when it comes to looking for where to buy grass fed beef.

Where to Buy Grass Fed Beef Near Me

Why Choosing Grass Fed Beef Matters?

If you are what you eat when you eat meat, you are also eating what the cows eat. With grass-fed beef, we better our bodies and give our taste buds something they will never forget. Here is the fact – Grass-fed beef is more nutrient-dense, higher quality, and more flavorful.

Cattle raised in stockyards are generally given the cheapest grain and other low-quality feed, and other non-organic supplements to fatten them up. The meat you purchase from cows raised this way will include the same junk. So remember to ask your local farmers whether they finish with grass feeding until slaughter. The most flavorful, nutritious, and clean meats will always come from cattle that are grass fed and grass-finished.

Read more – Where to Buy Grass Fed Beef in Quebec Canada


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