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12 Foods That Can Kill My Cat?

Foods that can kill my cat. Cats make fantastic pets and are your furry family being more than just a pet, having such a unique and exciting furry family member living alongside you is such a relaxed feeling.

Sometimes, it’s nice to treat your cat with real food, not just store-bought cat food. This is great, giving your cat some cleaner and healthier food is terrific for their immune system and their happiness.

12 Foods That Can Kill My Cat?

But not all foods are suitable for your cat. Some foods can even be toxic to your cat; without knowing what to avoid, you may accidentally end up poisoning your feline friend.

12 Foods That Can Kill My Cat

These 12 Foods are Fine for People but Completely Toxic to Cats:


Onions contain a property called sulfoxides. These are fine for people, but for your cat are deadly. They break down their red blood cells, potentially causing severe anemia or gastrointestinal issues. All forms of onion are toxic: raw onion, cooked onion, or powdered onion. If a product has any onion in it, it isn’t suitable for your cat. Many people like to give their cats a bit of pizza as a treat. This likely contains onion in the sauce.


12 Foods That Can Kill My Cat?


Garlic, like onion, contains these sulfoxides. Garlic is excellent for people and delicious but terrible for your cat. Just like onions, garlic can cause problems with your cat’s blood and make them lethargic and sleepy. If you think your cat has eaten garlic, you may want to call the vet. Keep garlic away from your cat.


Raw Eggs:

Raw eggs are bad for your cat just as they are for you. If you are in the US, your eggs have a very high chance of having salmonella. Salmonella, or food poisoning, is horrible for you. It can be just as horrific for your cat. Salmonella likely won’t lead to death in people, but it can do for your cat. They are much smaller and weaker.

Fresh Eggs

12 Foods That Can Kill My Cat?


Alcohol is not for cats! If you want your cat to feel “drunk,” buy it some catnip. Alcohol is potent for anyone; for a tiny cat, it can be overpowering. You wouldn’t give alcohol to a baby, don’t give it to your cat. Your cat won’t like feeling drunk, and it could easily lead to alcohol poisoning.



If you find yourself cooking in the kitchen, and are making some dough, you may be tempted to feed a small portion to your cat as a little snack. This is a terrible idea because of the processes of yeast fermentation. Yeast causes the dough to expand and rise, which inside your cat’s stomach and intestines can be excruciating. Furthermore, when yeast ferments, it releases alcohol as a by-product.


12 Foods That Can Kill My Cat?

Raw Fish:

This one may seem counter-intuitive. Cats love fish, you would think? Yes, but they also should only be eating cooked fish. Raw fish can be home to many different bacteria that will make your cat very sick. Raw fish can also damage a cat’s brain function, reducing the appetite to almost zero, and making your cat generally feel very unwell.

A Pile Of Roach Fish

Green Tomatoes:

Green, or unripe, tomatoes contain a toxic chemical to cats. While cats can eat small amounts of tomato, they must be very ripe or cooked. The chemical is called Glycoalkaloid and causes stomach issues and even death in some cases.

A close-up photo of a still-green tomato


Potatoes, like green tomatoes, contain the chemical Glycoalkaloid. Potatoes are always poisonous to cats and should never be given to them. You might be fine giving your cat the tiniest bit of cooked potato, but it is best not to.


12 Foods That Can Kill My Cat?


Just like dogs, cats should not be eating chocolate. It contains strong chemicals that can cause tremors and seizures to your cat. If you want to give your cat chocolate, you will need to buy a special cat, only chocolate. Just like there is dog chocolate available for dogs, there is cat chocolate.

Dark chocolate

Milk Products:

Cats love milk and cheese, but milk products are not ideal for a cat at all. Adult cats are lactose intolerant, meaning they can’t digest milk or any milk products. It will give them cramps and make them very sick. Luckily, you can buy “kitten milk” from the pet store that is perfect for adult cats.

Milk Products

12 Foods That Can Kill My Cat?


All caffeine products are toxic to cats. This literal drug will drastically raise their heart rate, giving them severe anxiety and causing their heart to stop in some cases. You can end up giving your cat a heart attack.



This one might not stand out to you as a problem; you probably don’t even know what it is, so how could you give it to your cat? Xylitol is found in tubes of toothpaste or “diet” foods. You cannot brush your cat’s teeth with your toothpaste, or you will give them a liver failure.



As you can see, some foods are not feline-friendly at all. If you avoid all of these foods, your cat will be just fine. Most foods are fine for your cat if you aren’t sure it is best to do a quick google search just to be sure. Most foods are fine in moderation. We all love our little fur babies, and hopefully, this article for your friends at TotesNewsworthy may save a furry life.

Read more – The Most Unusual Pets You Can Safely Own

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Marko Jankovic
Marco is a travel blogger and technical writer for many subjects


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