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Tips for Being More Productive as a Writer

Tips for being more productive as a writer. Those of us in the writing world have often heard people reference an event called NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. During this event, which occurs every November, writers worldwide attempt to write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days.

Tips for Being More Productive as a Writer

The existence of an event makes us think about the idea of pacing as a writer. Namely—how ridiculously hard it can be to keep the words flowing. Whether you’re gearing up for next year’s NaNoWriMo or want to finish one of your works in progress, our tips for being more productive as a writer will help you get the ball rolling.

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Tips for Being More Productive as a Writer

Create a Space To Write

There are two facets to the idea of creating space to write. The first is physical, and the second is metaphysical—the space we give writing in our minds and schedules.

Physical Space

Creating a space to write can be as simple as investing in a desk for your bedroom or as complex as converting your attic to a livable space and making it an office. If you have a “productive spot” separated from where you relax, it may help you shift your mindset to productivity.

Tips for Being More Productive as a Writer 3


Metaphysical Space

When writing isn’t your main career, it’s easy to get into the mindset that it isn’t important. This can make us put it off or not make any time or space to be creative.

Deciding that your creative pursuits are valuable will help you give yourself time to be creative. If need be, block off writing time in your schedule the same way you’d block time for a meeting.

Give Yourself Structure

As a creative type, it’s easy for us to snub the role of structure in what we do. But structure and creativity don’t necessarily have to be enemies here. There are several ways that structure can help you reach your goals. For example:

  • Structuring your schedule to give yourself time to write
  • Using time structuring strategies, like the Pomodoro technique
  • Structuring your plot with timelines or brainstorming sessions
  • Adding structure to your space by organizing it to promote a better headspace

What works as a good structure for you may not be a good structure for everyone else. So experiment until you find one that works for you.

Don’t Wait

One of the biggest things that hinder us from becoming more productive writers is ourselves. We wait to write until we feel inspired, have that block-buster new idea, know where the plot will go next or are just plain “in the mood” to do it.

Writing is one-part creative whimsy and three-parts perseverance. The more you write, the more inspiration and ideas will come. Those knots in your plotline will get untangled, and your mood will shift. If you’re waiting around for a sign that it’s time to write, make one yourself. You have the words in you. All you have to do is let go of fear and let them out.

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Rene Peters
Herm Peters is a travel blogger and Food Blogger.


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