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Sunday, October 27, 2024

Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease and Green Tea

Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease and Green Tea. Alzheimer’s is a devastating disease that becomes apparent when old age sets in. According to statistics, 10% of 65yr olds, 25% of 70yr olds, and 50% of 80 yr olds have an almost sure chance of developing the most common form of dementia.

The worst part is that this trend seems to be growing as time goes. While there may not be an established cure for the disease, experts have been working hard on finding possible ways to help avert, treat, and even cure this disease.

So, What can you do to reverse Alzheimer’s disease?

It has been established that green tea may have the potential to reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. According to recent research that was posted on the Journal of Biological Chemistry, researchers discovered that a diet with compounds found in green tea and carrots counteracted Alzheimer’s-like symptoms in mice that were genetically manipulated to contract the disease.

Green Tea

Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease and Green Tea

This is a finding that may set the tone for future approaches to fighting off and managing dementia in people. In the study, which was led by the Southern California University, 32 mice with Alzheimer’s symptoms were divided into groups of four with an equal number of males and females.

Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease and Green Tea

A dose of 30mg was then administered per kg of body mass. Three months later, the researchers established that mice with Alzheimer’s fared on just as well as those in a healthy state.

Reversing Alzheimer's Disease and Green Tea 1

Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease and Green Tea

The findings of the study also cemented the idea that combination therapy may be more effective in treating persons who have Alzheimer’s disease.

Green tea contains a mineral known as EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate); when this is combined with ferulic acid found in diets such as tomatoes, carrots, wheat, oats, and rice, the resulting mixture was found to restore spatial working memory completely.

The same concept of combination treatment is already being applied in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and HIV.

There are additional dietary measures that can be used to reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. There has been some promising news from the United Kingdom regarding Alzheimer’s and natural supplements.

According to a research team, high doses of B vitamins such as B6, B12, and folic acid can suppress the atrophy of the gray matter in the brain that is easily vulnerable to Alzheimer’s disease, as well as a cognitive decline by almost sevenfold. The researchers noted that B vitamins reduce homocysteine (a cell-destroying amino acid) that resulting in a decrease in gray matter atrophy.

This study is just the latest finding to demonstrate the relationship between certain B vitamins and the preservation of cognitive function.

Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease and Green Tea

Vitamin E has also been found to have a relationship with this form of dementia. According to a study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine, researchers figured out that people with Alzheimer’s disease had inadequate levels of different isomers of Vitamin E when compared to adults with healthy brain function.

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Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease and Green Tea

The research showed that specific E isomers- gamma-tocotrienol, alpha tocotrienol, and gamma-tocopherol- are the most critical Vitamin E forms when differentiating Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease cases from controls.

This study is crucial because it shows that identification of Vitamin E, together with automated magnetic imaging can help physicians to tell between people with MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) and AD (Alzheimer’s Disease) and place them in a position to predict which individuals suffering from Mild Cognitive Impairment will potentially advance to Alzheimer’s.

This study may point to a possible future way of preventing the onset of the disease.

Green tea health benefits

Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease and Green Tea

Another potential for the prevention of the progression of Alzheimer’s disease is the use of coconut oil. The possibility of reversing the effects of the disease is clinically explored thanks to Dr. Mary Newport, a neonatologist whose spouse suffers from the disorder.

Newport discovered that the primary ingredient in a medical food for Alzheimer’s known as Axsona was medium-chain triglyceride oil. This essential oil can be derived from coconuts.

Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease and Green Tea

When she started feeding her husband coconut oil, she discovered that his cognitive abilities, personality, and behavior significantly improved. A report from NBC also noted that Alzheimer’s is a form of “diabetes of the brain” and coconut oil assists to bring more energy into the cells of the brain.

Read more – Health Benefits of Cinnamon To Heal Your Body

For more information please visit this link.


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