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Friday, July 26, 2024

Foods That Boosts Your Mood

Foods that boosts your mood.  Many of us are reliant on prescriptions to helping with anxiety and other struggles that life can bring. Yet with some simple addition to our diet, we can help our mood by eating a few foods that can add benefits to our health and well-being. We are all striving for a better and happy way of life. Here are some foods that can help make that happen.

Dieticians and Nutritionists have long studied the connection between what we eat and how it affects us physically. Although most widely spread studies are usually centered on foods to avoid, such as processed meats, sugary drinks, and refined carbs like white bread and pasta, other studies prove which food can naturally boost your mood.

Foods That Boosts Your Mood

For example, a study done at Binghampton University in New York connected specific foods with positive effects. Black-eyed peas are legumes that are very high in folate; the vitamin B needed to produce your neurotransmitters associated with motivation and pleasure. Having an imbalance or low level of folate can result in mood fluctuations and affect concentration and result in poor memory. Liver and asparagus are also good sources of folate, as are raw beets.

 Boost Your Mood with Black-eyed peas

 Boost your mood with Black-eyed peas

If you are having anger issues, foods that contain the amino acid tryptophan seem to be helpful. The journal, Biological Psychiatry, had a recent article that explained a study in which the volunteers who had consumed a drink with tryptophan in it had better communication in the sections of the brain that control anger responses than the participants who had a drink without it. Tryptophan can be found in almonds, cheese, turkey, and other high protein foods. These foods are also helpful in boosting your levels of serotonin which is also a mood stabilizer.

Almonds, Foods That Boosts Your Mood

Foods That Boosts Your Mood – Almonds

Many people who have trouble sleeping at night find that they wake up and are very cranky in the morning. According to a study that was published in the American Journal of Therapeutics in 2017, a simple food cure for this is tart cherry juice. The tart cherry juice has both the hormone melatonin and tryptophan which are two of the primary compounds that help regulate sleep. Adults in the study that drank two glasses of the juice twice a day for two weeks reported that they had slept on average over an additional 80 minutes per night.

Cherry Juice is an excellent option to boost your mood

Cherry Juice is an excellent option to boost your mood

Many people who have trouble sleeping at night find that they wake up and are very cranky in the morning. According to a study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics in 2017, a simple food cure for this is tart cherry juice. The tart cherry juice has both the hormone melatonin and tryptophan, two of the primary compounds that help regulate sleep. Adults in the study that drank two glasses of the juice twice a day for two weeks reported that they had slept on average over an additional 80 minutes per night.

So whenever you find yourself in a bad mood, whether it be anger or sadness, be sure that there are foods out there that can help what is ailing you. Just make sure to do a little research first because what most people consider comfort foods is not that good for you. Usually, they are high in sugar or carbs and will most likely have the exact opposite effect of making you feel better.

Read more – How To Avoid Hidden Sugars in Foods for Better Health

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  1. I am really suprised to see the black eyed beans are that useful to us. I am from Nepal and we use those beans in many types of dishes. My favorite dish with those beans is called “Allu Tama Tarkari”. Also, Nepal is right next to India and those almonds are really easily accessible. Almond Milk is great. And last but not least cherry. Wow, I got to say I love cherry as a fruit itself. I have tried cherry juice and it indeed is tasty.

  2. Wow this is so helpful! I just reach for the chocolate when I’m feeling down but these foods will be way better for me! My waistline thanks you and so do I

  3. I had no idea these foods could have such an effect on mood! Black-eyed peas, almonds and cherry juice aren’t a part of my diet at all right now, I’m really missing out! I started a new diet recently and will definitely be adding these things to it, thanks for letting me know about them.

  4. I am generally a big fan of Almonds because of the taste and its nutrition benefits. I didn’t know it boosts the moss as well. Thanks for the information.

  5. I had no idea that almonds can help control your mood, I’m actually eating a handful right now! The cherry juice possibly helping with sleep is interesting, not sure if I would try it though, I already take melatonin by itself. Time to calculate which is cheaper.

  6. I agree that almonds can boost your mood. I have read research that in some country almond is one of the primary food in the morning because the function to boost the mood.

  7. To think something as small as your food could impact your mood so much is crazy! I’ll have to keep this in mind when I’m reaching for snacks!

  8. This is such a great article. I love the info about cherry juice. I often end up waking up cranky and in a bad mood. I think this can really help me. I’m gonna follow the directions and drink two glasses of the juice twice a day.

  9. I had no idea that black-eyed peas fall in the same category with cheese for anger fighting. I love them both! It’s funny how this love increases every time I learn all the great benefits they have! Don’t even get me started on almonds.. Love story with those, lol. Thanks for the article! Great content, like always!!

  10. Almonds are a great snack as they are filled with good fats to keep you fuller, longer. Eating almonds along with fruits (full of sugar) satisfies sugar cravings while curbing hunger. Cherry juice is really good mixed with a bit of sparkling water.

  11. Haley

    Almonds are a great snack as they are filled with good fats to keep you fuller, longer. Eating almonds along with fruits (full of sugar) satisfies sugar cravings while curbing hunger. Cherry juice is really good mixed with a bit of sparkling water.

    • Beautiful country! interesting article. The suggestion to wait and take a nap before checking in to a hotel 🙂 is nice to know. I like the idea to ride a bicycle in the city, is a nice way to stop in places you may miss while driving a car.

  12. I eat and love almond nuts, I find that I am very calm, did not know that eating almonds may have contributed to my calm. Thanks for the info.


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