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Best Types of Nuts You Should Add to Your Diet

Best types of nuts you should add to your diet. Nuts have been part of the human diet for centuries and are among the most nutritious of foods. Scientifically, nuts are a great source of healthy fats, plant protein, vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. According to scientific research, there are numerous benefits to eating nuts. It reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, aids weight loss, reduces inflammation, and lowers your risk of developing certain cancers. These are the main reasons why most individuals add nuts to dishes. Nuts have a wide range of nutrient profiles, flavors, and textures. Roasted mixed nuts are some of the perfect snacks for a party.

Best Types of Nuts You Should Add to Your Diet

Below are some of the best types of nuts you should add to your diet. Read on ahead to learn more.


Almonds are excellent sources of vitamin E. They’re packed with plant-based protein and dietary fiber. Vitamin E boosts healthy hair, nails, and skin. In addition, it’s a powerful antioxidant that plays a significant role in fighting inflammation. Sufficient almonds in your diet will prevent wrinkles, thus slowing the aging process. Almonds also contain high calcium, fiber, and riboflavin levels.


Walnuts have an impressive nutrient profile and multiple health benefits. For instance, walnuts are a great source of copper, which is essential for producing enzymes involved in neurotransmitter synthesis and energy production. Also, copper aids blood vessel development and immune function. Walnuts are important for heart health and reducing various heart disease risk factors, such as triglycerides levels, LDL cholesterol levels, and elevated blood pressure. In addition, some research shows that walnuts can boost cognitive ability and lower risk factors for dementia, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

properties of nuts



Pecans are mild nuts and are very popular for certain types of pies, cakes, grains, and salads. They’re rich in fiber, healthy fats, minerals, and vitamins. Pecans are a great source of the mineral zinc, which plays a vital role in wound healing, immune function, growth and development, and DNA synthesis. Healthy fats in pecans are essential for improving heart health because they reduce triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels.

Cashew Nuts

Cashew nuts have a creamy mouthfeel and crunchy texture that pair very well with sweet and savory dishes. Based on studies, cashew nuts are a great source of various nutrients that are essential for bone health, such as magnesium, vitamin K, protein, and manganese. A high intake of cashew nuts will lower your blood fat level, elevated blood pressure, belly fat, and blood sugar. This shows that cashew nuts improve symptoms of metabolic syndrome.

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Pistachios are packed with essential nutrients. Compared to most nuts, they’re lower in fat and calories. For instance, vitamin B6 in pistachios improves immune function and nutrient metabolism. In addition, these nuts are rich in plant-based compounds, such as zeaxanthin, carotenoid lutein, flavonoids, and anthocyanin.


Some of the other best types of nuts you should add to your diet include macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, and peanuts. Consider introducing any of these to your diet and reap the benefits for your health.

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