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Best Tips for Staying Calm During the Holidays

For many adults, the holidays end up causing much more stress than we’d like. Gone is that giddy excitement we used to feel through November and December, and instead, we feel stress and worry. Sure, we still feel joy, but it’s partnered with the hectic hustle and bustle of the holidays. There’s social pressure, personal high standards, financial worries, and familial tension. If you want to get back to the total joy you felt as a child, try to follow these best tips for staying calm during the holidays. Once you can control your stress, you’ll start shifting into that giddy childhood happiness again!

Best Tips for Staying Calm During the Holidays

Stay Grateful

One of the best ways to stay calm is to stay grateful. As an adult, the holidays come with different events to go to and things to get done. This causes you to focus on all the things you have to do, rather than the things you get to do. Try your best this holiday season to stay thankful and grateful for the opportunities you have—it will help you refocus your mind to something more positive.

Create the Anger Away

Gift-giving season is on its way, and instead of spending money you shouldn’t, think about creating something instead. If you find that you get angry during the holidays, create something to diffuse the anger—it’s one of the best ways to turn anger into positive energy. Give the gift of a hand-cooked meal, or paint your loved ones a picture. You have so many ways to delve into your creativity during the holiday season.

Stick to a Schedule

Normal schedules can get pushed to the wayside during the holiday season, and if you want to stay calm, then your schedule has to stay the same. To avoid holiday crankiness, stick as close as possible to regular eating and sleeping schedules. Don’t binge pie before bed on Thanksgiving, and don’t stay up too much later than usual. If you find yourself extra grumpy, ask yourself whether you’ve ignored your typical routine.

Best Tips for Staying Calm During the Holidays

Get Some Exercise In

During the holidays, many people decide to forgo their workout schedules, but actually this is one of the most important times of year to keep moving. We recommend a walk around the neighborhood when you notice your stress levels skyrocketing. Not only does the movement create endorphins to boost your mood, but the sunshine will give your body that much-needed Vitamin D. Plan a family touch football game or daily winter walks—your body will thank you.

Ways To Motivate Yourself To Exercise

Best Tips for Staying Calm During the Holidays

Don’t Stress Over Perfection

Stop obsessing over getting it all done and doing it all. If you strive for perfection in every single area of your life during the holidays, your stress and anxiety will become difficult to manage. Recognize that the world will not end, and your family will still be happy if the house gets a little cluttered or dinner is a bit late. Focus energy toward enjoying the people in your life.

Best Tips for Staying Calm During the Holidays – Find Alone Time

When all else fails during this season, give yourself a break. Taking time to unwind by yourself is a wonderful coping strategy that doesn’t get used much during the holidays. Spending time with loved ones is important, but it can also raise tension and stress to a level you don’t experience during other times of the year. Pay attention to when you need a break from people, and get some alone time in.

Read more – Holiday Party Outfits this Coming Year

Rene Peters
Herm Peters is a travel blogger and Food Blogger.


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