Although most people do not need a reason to enjoy a glass of wine, here are three healthy reasons to drink wine. But before we list all the health benefits in wine, let’s make sure that we are talking about one drink. Although wine glasses come in many shape and sizes, one standard serving of wine is five ounces.
First, wine contains high levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants are essential for fighting off free radicals in your body. Free radicals can cause any number of health problems including cancer, and that glass of wine you are drinking is full antioxidants that will fight them off. Most people believe that red wine is the best to choose for this effect. However, a recent study done by the University of Barcelona found that white wines had just as many and some even more of the cancer-fighting compound than those found in red wines.
Three Healthy Reasons to Drink Wine
Second, wine is a natural blood thinner, so a nice glass of red wine in the evening can help you ward off a possible stroke. The phenol’s that are in red wine assist the body in lowering the chance of blood clotting, although most studies show that this effect is more significant for women than for men. Again, it is essential to note that these benefits occur when you drink wine in moderation. Overindulging will likely have the opposite effect and bring about a host of other ailments, so keeping it to no more than 10 ounces a day is the key.
Healthy reasons to drink wine. Third, drinking a glass of wine is right for your heart. Tannins, which are plentiful in red wine, contain phenol’s that have also been proven to be effective in preventing cardiovascular disease. According to a study done by WebMD, researchers at the Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa found that after 21 consecutive days of wine consumption, blood vessel cell health was enhanced in most participants. According to the study, the wine improved the flow of blood and thus lowered the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Healthy Reasons to Drink Wine
So, when you want to enjoy that next glass of wine, think about all the health benefits associated with it. You can savor each sip, knowing that it is helping you stay healthier. But remember to stop after the second glass or not only do you lose the benefits, but you could gain a whole different set of problems.
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