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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opportunities for Entrepreneurs as Vegan Food Sales Increase

Opportunities for entrepreneurs as vegan food sales increase. According to data from research conducted by Nielsen, total sales of vegan food in the U.S. is now over $3.7 billion.

Included in the study are vegan food that directly replaces meat and other animal products such as eggs and milk as well as dishes that contain plant-based ingredients that directly replace elements from animal sources.

Apart from the spike in vegan food sales, the data also shows that the rate of increase in the sales of vegan food is rapidly accelerating. Retail sales of a vegan diet are up by 17 percent. Total retails food sales, on the other hand, grew just 2 percent during the same period.

Opportunities for Entrepreneurs as Vegan Food Sales Increase

Opportunities for Entrepreneurs as Vegan Food Sales Increase (2)

Sales of vegan meat increased by 23 percent last year from 17 percent the previous year. It is interesting to note that the rise in demand for vegan food is occurring all across the country.

Sales of vegan meat are up by double-digits across all of the nine census regions of the U.S. with the highest growth coming from the middle of the country. In the Pacific and Mountain regions, for example, sales of refrigerated vegan meat are growing the fastest.

Sales of frozen vegan meat, on the other hand, is growing most rapidly in the West South Central region where Texas is located.

Opportunities for Entrepreneurs as Vegan Food Sales Increase (4)

The current growth trajectory of the sales of vegan meat mirrors that of plant-based milk about a decade ago when the sales of dairy alternatives such as soy and almond milk started to grow.

Today, sales of plant-based milk comprised a total of 13 percent of all retail milk sales in the U.S. By comparison, sales of vegan meat accounts for only a percentage of total meat sales in the whole country. But because the sales of vegan meat are expected to follow the trend set by vegan milk, its market share is expected to increase in the years to come.

Many experts, especially those in the vegan community, are not surprised though with the growth in sales of vegan food. They see the increase in sales as a direct result of the overall decrease in the consumption of meat. More and more people are turning to veganism.

This is because an increasing number of people are becoming aware of the benefits of a plant-based diet on individual health and on the well-being of animals and of the planet. As these people ditch meat and animal products, they start to search for plant-based alternatives.

It is estimated that 14 percent of U.S. households are now buying vegan products, a significant increase from last year. It is expected that this trend will continue for many years to come.

Plant-based milk is now a standard item in many U.S. households. Other vegan food products are expected to become household staples as well shortly. Other vegan dairy alternatives are also seeing significant sales growth.

Opportunities for Entrepreneurs as Vegan Food Sales Increase (3)

Sales of vegan creamer are up by 62 percent, followed by sales of vegan yogurt that is up by 54 percent and then cheese by 41 percent and finally ice cream by 40 percent.

The increase in vegan food sales presents an excellent opportunity for vegan entrepreneurs especially for individuals who know how to prepare specific kinds of food such as cakes and pastries. If you already know how to bake, then you only need to improve your craft by learning how to make unique and creative cake designs that will catch the attention of potential customers.

The business of vegan cooking for others is also an opportunity you should look into if you want to capitalize on the increase in vegan food sales. The demand for vegan food catering is expected to increase as more and more people turn to veganism because of health and ethical reasons.

Opportunities for Entrepreneurs as Vegan Food Sales Increase (5)

Before starting your vegan food business though you need to be informed of the policies of your local government when it comes to food handling. You also need to obtain the required license to operate such a business. It is easy to get this information.

All you need to do is to visit the county clerk’s office and the health department in your area. To sell your product, you don’t even need to a physical store. You can quickly sell and market your products and services online in marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon and even Facebook.

Read more – The Best Veggie Burger Recipe for Plant-Based Living

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