3 Easy Home Health Hacks for Minor ailments

These three easy home health hacks for minor ailments should be known by everyone. In today’s fast-paced world, the stress of busy daily lives can cause any number of ailments, but not everything that ails you requires a doctor’s attention.

Also with the rising cost of healthcare, many people find that they cannot afford to seek professional assistance for anything less than serious illnesses. Fortunately, many minor irritants such as a cough or muscle cramps are often easily treated at home with natural remedies.

Three Easy Home Health Hacks for Minor ailments

Three Easy Home Health Hacks for Minor ailments (1)

The first example of an easy home health hack is for a sore throat or an irritating cough. While there are many over-the-counter products can help, they may also have potential side effects or have adverse interactions with other prescribed medicines.

To relieve a sore throat start by taking a shower that is warm enough to create steam. The steam will help to loosen up any post nasal drip and also lubricate your throat. After that, swallow a spoonful of honey. The sugars in the honey will also serve to soothe your sore throat.

Three Easy Home Health Hacks for Minor ailments (6)

Another one of the easy home health hacks for a cough is to mix a pinch of turmeric, a pinch of cinnamon, and some ground ginger with a cup of warm water and add a couple of teaspoons of honey to make a healing tea. Alternate between sipping and gargling the tea for best results.

The anti-inflammatory agents in the ingredients should help to relieve both a cough or soreness in throat. And finally, for a sore throat, something cold like a fruit popsicle or soft frozen yogurt will usually give almost immediate relief.

Three Easy Home Health Hacks for Minor ailments (2)

There are several easy home health hacks is to relieve muscle cramps. Most muscle cramps occur when your electrolytes are depleted. The use of a rehydration drink with electrolytes can often help decrease the severity of the cramps within half an hour.

A foam roller or a pool noodle float that is cut down to size can also be rolled back and forth across the muscle to help stop the cramps. Having a banana or two can also help as the fruit has significant levels of magnesium and potassium, both of which are known to cause cramps when their levels in your body have been depleted.

Having low levels of iron can make a person tired and unable to focus. An easy home health hack to fix this problem begins by looking to your diet. Beans, red meat, lentils, shellfish, tofu, and spinach are all excellent sources of iron.

Also, try to cook as much as you can in a cast iron skillet as studies have proven this increases the amount of iron in the foods prepared. You will also want to focus on eating foods high in vitamin C such as oranges, strawberries, and tomatoes as this vitamin will help your body absorb the iron.

Especially with so many people having access to the internet these days, there are plenty of natural remedies that can help fix what ails you without ever leaving home.

For additional home health remedies please continue reading here.

For more information on general health remedies, please visit Web MD website


  1. I’ve been reading tonnes of articles and this is by far the best! Now I can help friends and family when they’re sick!

  2. I’ve been having trouble getting rid of a cough for the past week. I never knew about these healthy natural ways to help get rid of it. I’m gonna take a steamy shower and make myself a hot cup of turmeric, cinnamon and honey tea. It sounds delicious too. Thanks for the tips.

  3. This article about home health hacks was great! I learned a lot new things and definitely recommend checking it out.

  4. I want to point out another good home remedy – ginger. Ginger is great for an upset stomach or nausea and vomiting. I like to eat a ginger candy whenever I am feeling sick to my stomach. Ginger tea also works really well. There are premade ginger teas on the market or you can steep some ginger and lemon in hot water for 5-10 minutes to make a calming ginger tea. It feels warm and is really relaxing. Also good for opening up the sinuses and colds.

  5. This article about Three Easy Home Health Hacks for Minor ailments was great! I learned a lot new things and definitely recommend checking it out.

  6. great home remedies to keep in mind when cold weather starts to come back around , wish there were more because i love learning about new ways to stay healthy.

  7. This blog really helpful.Some great tips using home remedies. Many times home remedies are the best.I seriously needed these – thank you so much!

  8. I would rather use natural remedies when I could instead of going to the doctor. Some of these tips are new to me. I have heard many times that cooking in a cast iron skillet can help. These are really good tips.

  9. This article really helps me a great, I came to know much useful information for the very first time. This information will help me a lot, Especially the guideline to get remedy by the natural way is really attractive.

  10. Excellent article. Another great home remedy for inflammation and sore throat, as well as for the flu, is to make gargles of baking soda (a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water), at least twice a day.

  11. My mom used to have a series of home remedies to use for curing various diseases. Some of them are up there, like honey, but others I have never heard before, like adding iron to your diet. I will give it a try.


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