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This Earth Day, Let’s Do Really Big Stuff For Our Planet!

This Earth Day, let’s do really big stuff for our planet!. Today, April 22, is the International Day of Mother Earth, which it has always been very important, but in recent years it has taken more value while climate change and global warming are becoming more noticeable.

This Earth Day, Let’s Do Really Big Stuff For Our Planet!

The General Assembly, recognizing that Mother Earth is a common expression for the planet earth in different countries and regions, demonstrating the interdependence between human beings, other living species and the planet we all inhabit and noting that each year, Earth Day is celebrated in many countries, decided to designate April 22 as International Mother Earth Day in 2009.

Everyday Habits That Hurt the Environment

Theme 2016: Trees for the Earth

Earth Day was first celebrated in the United States in 1970 and is now headed for its 50th anniversary. This day is organized by the Earth Day Network whose mission is to broaden and diversify the environmental movement worldwide and mobilize it effectively to build a healthy and sustainable environment, tackling climate change and protecting the Earth for future generations. The theme of this year aims to plant 7.8 million trees in the next five years.

Why trees?

It’s very simple: Trees help fight climate change.

They absorb the harmful excess CO2 in our atmosphere. In fact, in one year, half a hectare of mature trees absorbs the same amount of CO2 produced by the average driving a car, which is about 42 thousand kilometers.

Trees help us breathe clean air.

Trees absorb odors and gaseous pollutants (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone) and filter the air.

Trees help us to counteract the loss of species.

By planting the right trees, we can help counteract the loss of species and provide greater connectivity between regional forest habitat fragments.

Trees help communities and their livelihoods.

Trees help communities achieve economic and environmental sustainability in the long term and provide food, energy and income.

What are you doing for the Earth?

Read more – 4 Ways You Can Help Protect the Environment

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