Megan Markle Seems to distance herself from Jessica Mulroney. Megan Markle wife of Prince Harry. I’m sure you’re aware of this, it’s not new and was extensively covered all over the world.
The royal family is strangely coveted the world over, even by countries (like the USA) who are no longer under their influence. It’s weird, and that’s coming from someone who is a citizen of two countries that are members of the commonwealth.
Megan Markle Seems to distance herself from Jessica Mulroney
When Megan joined the royal family, it was a “scandal” for many people because she isn’t British, and she isn’t white. But, that doesn’t mean she is new to being of privilege.
Megan Markle Seems to Distance Herself From Jessica Mulroney
What happened with Jessica Mulroney?
Jessica has recently been caught up in a “white privilege scandal.” The general idea is that Sasha Exeter, who is a Canadian blogger and influencer of color, used her platform, connections, and wide reach to encourage others to support the BLM (black lives matter) cause.
She encouraged other influencers to raise awareness, generate donations, and be as helpful and supportive as possible. The problem is Jessica Mulroney took personal offense to this (for some reason) and went out of her way to go after Exeter on a very personal level.
She was speaking to her partners and brands that endorse her to try and get her fired, dropped, or excluding from further projects and affiliation. This is bad enough, except Mulroney had a tremendous amount of power and influence as she is married to the son of the former Canadian Prime minister.
This is not the first time that a white person has used their connections to oppress a person of color for no reason other than spite. And that’s part of the problem, isn’t it?
Megan Markle Seems to distance herself from Jessica Mulroney
Why did Megan distance herself?
Megan distanced herself from the whole situation because it’s bad press. Why would you want to associate yourself with someone who behaves in such a repulsive way? Privilege is a genuine thing.
I’m not saying that you have to believe in white privilege because I’m sure there are many white people out there that face endless hardships who would surely welcome some of that privilege right about now. Privilege exists everywhere.
Megan Markle Seems to distance herself from Jessica Mulroney
Children that come from married parents with high school GEDs are astronomically more likely to have a good life than those that don’t, regardless of skin color. White privilege surely does exist in some places, but is that because they are white, or is it because they are wealthy?
My money is on the latter. Privilege is coming from money, a lot of money, they never have to work a day in your life kind of money. Megan distancing herself from Jessica because Jessica used her privilege for shocking reasons.
Personal gain is one thing, but to intentionally spite someone else is just a ludicrous use of someone’s time, money, and power. How petty. How sad.
Megan Markle Seems to distance herself from Jessica Mulroney
Is it hypocritical of Megan Markle to hang Jessica out to dry?
We don’t know what is going on in Megan’s head. There is a very real chance that Megan did feel upset, she is obviously not white and has personally experienced very real and very severe bullying from the British press throughout her engagement, marriage, pregnancy, and everything that followed.
There is a reason she is living in Canada, not as royalty in Britain, and it’s not because she loves Tim Hortons. So it’s important to clarify that Megan is well within her rights to distance herself from someone she once called a friend. But, there is more to the story.
Megan Markle Seems to distance herself from Jessica Mulroney
Megan comes from privilege. Maybe not white privilege, but privilege none the less. She comes from a very well off family and has been rich since she started her acting career. Her recurring role on “Suits” made her richer than most of us could ever dream.
Megan Markle Seems to distance herself from Jessica Mulroney
And then she married into the royal family—one of the wealthiest and most powerful families to have ever lived. The wealth and white privilege from this family extend to her.
Megan Markle Seems to distance herself from Jessica Mulroney
She has grown in fame and popularity as a result of marrying into this white privilege. So, is it hypocritical to shun others for using their privilege when she is privileged? Probably. But I’m not sure that’s her fault. Is there any way she wins here? Probably not. Privilege exists in all colors and races; Megan is proof of that.
Read more – Details of the Royal Wedding Prince Harry and Meghan Markle