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Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Increase Positive Reviews in Your Salon

No matter what type of business you run, shining amongst your competition is a foolproof way to drive up sales and entice new customers. This is all the truer in the beauty industry when a whole list of salons is a few Google searches away. By listening to current customers and caring for your business, you’re more likely to have a good reputation. Below is some expert advice on how to increase positive reviews in your salon.

How To Increase Positive Reviews in Your Salon

Talk to Clients

At the end of an appointment, ask clients to leave a review detailing their experience in your salon. As you do this, remember to:

  • Make reviewing simple: Have a page on your website dedicated to reviews.
  • Offer incentives: Reward clients as a thank you for positively reviewing your salon.
  • Showcase reviews: Post raving reviews on your website and social media platforms.

One of the top things clients look for in a salon is reviews from past customers. This gives them a look into your salon’s quality. Since nurturing your relationship with current clients is as important as harnessing new ones, always show appreciation.

Create an Authentic Experience

One of the best ways to increase positive reviews in your salon is to stay true to your values and remember that the customer is most important. Only offer services you know your skilled team can provide to ensure great appointments.

As you go about creating an authentic experience, it’s just as important to stay true to the commitments you make. So if you book a haircut at a specific time, stay true to that; don’t double book customers. Occasionally running behind is understandable, but clients are less likely to leave great reviews when this becomes a regular occurrence.

Read the Good and Bad

No business owner likes seeing a bad review, and some get a bit defensive. Rather than make excuses for a poor experience, thank the client for their feedback and consider what they have to say. Sometimes people are picky, but other times, their review is the truth; if you notice several similar reviews, it’s time to make a change.

Keep Communication Open

Answering every possible review is as important as reading through them, so set aside time in the day to address what everyone has to say. In doing this, you show both existing and future customers that their opinion holds value to you.

Know What Clients Need

If a client comes into your salon with especially dry hair but wants you to dye it, you may need to steer them away from this and toward moisture treatments. This way, you show customers that you care about them rather than just making money.

Train Staff – How To Increase Positive Reviews in Your Salon

The final tip to getting an influx of raving reviews is to train your staff on how to speak with customers. You may also want to consider reading through reviews with staff members to keep everyone aware of what the public thinks of the business. When everyone’s on the same page, finding areas of improvement becomes easier for your entire team.

Read more – 5 Easy Tips for Protecting Your Yard in the Wintertime

Rene Peters
Herm Peters is a travel blogger and Food Blogger.


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