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How to Dress for a Job Interview

How to dress for a job interview. There seems to be a lot of uncertainty when discussing the topic of job interviews. People often wonder what attire they should wear and what kind of psychological approach to take. Nobody wants to give off the wrong impression by wearing or saying the wrong things. As often mentioned, you only get one chance to make a first impression.

How to dress for a job interview? The most crucial aspect to consider when determining what to wear is to be sure to never under-dress. No matter what position it is that you are applying for, items such as shorts, jeans, and t-shirts should never be worn. If there is one quick way to show that you are not taking an interview seriously and to remove yourself from any real consideration of being hired, it is to dress casually or in street clothes.

How to Dress for a Job Interview

From cashier to CEO, and anything in-between, do your best to stand out from the crowd, even if that means overdressing. If you’re a male, perhaps a nice pair of slacks and a button-down shirt will simply be good enough. But you want to stick out from the crowd, not just be good enough. Take the extra time and put in the extra effort to wear a suit, or at least throw a sports jacket on over that button-down shirt. If you’re a female, you might think a pair of pants and a button-down shirt will give off the right impression, but perhaps that would just simply be good enough as well. Go the extra mile and wear a pantsuit to set yourself apart from others competing for the position.

Job applicant having an interview

While the examples given will powerfully help for entry to mid-level positions, that kind of attire will simply be a necessity to be considered for upper-level positions. When you are already holding a position within a company, it is often said to dress for the job you want, not the position you have. In the case of what to wear to an interview, the same concept applies. How to dress for a job interview? Dress for the position you ultimately want, not the position that you are applying for.

The number one reason why people ultimately fail a job interview is because of their mindset. Interviewees and this may come as a surprise, often take the interview process entirely too seriously. While that interview may be for your dream job, you don’t want that to result in putting the weight of the world on your shoulders. That will result in anxiousness and nervousness. Once that happens, you are bound to fail the interview. Your lack of confidence and focus will be easily identified by the individual that is interviewing you.

How to Dress for a Job Interview

How to Dress for a Job Interview

Contrary to what many believe, take a more casual, and almost laid-back approach to the interview. Find an item of personal interest on the interviewer’s desk or walls that you can relate to or resonate with, and start a conversion about it. They will be delighted that you have already broken the ice and steered away from the cut-throat interview process that they have been dealing with all day. While you should always maintain a level of professionalism during the interview, this doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun and throw in some casual conversation along the way. Just like differentiating yourself with how you dress, this psychological and verbal approach will also help you stand out from the rest.

How to dress for a job interview? So you’ve dressed to impress, bonded and had a laugh or two with your interviewer, and wowed them with your resume and responses to their questions. You’ve made it this far, and you want to finish strong. To do this, make sure you’ve done your due diligence before you’ve walked into that interview. Research, the company. Find out where they have been, where they currently are, and where they are going. In other words, be prepared to ask questions. They have been asking you questions the entire time, and when they are done, it will necessarily be your turn to become the interviewer. Save questions about compensation, benefits, and anything of the like for the second interview and beyond. For the first interview, inquire about the aspects of the company, organizational growth, and anything interesting you may have discovered upon researching the company.

So how to dress for a job interview.?

Like anything worth accomplishing, nailing a job interview takes time, focus, and effort. If you differentiate yourself and ensure that you are doing whatever it takes to stand out from your competition, success is inevitable. Be confident, be convincing, and most importantly, believe in yourself.

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