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How to Manage your Online Reputation

Online reputation management firms like JW Maxx Solutions have become more critical in recent years than ever before. At one point, we were little more than usernames against an anonymous message board, but with the advent of social media, we are putting our lives online now more than ever. In this article we will focus on how to manage your online reputation.

JW Maxx Solutions offers Personal online reputation management and specializes in Boosting small business online reputation management.

This can affect the way others see us and interact with us because we may not interpret behavior online as we do in real life. We miss out on a lot of aspects of communication. Things like tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions are lost. While emoji have helped to alleviate some of that confusion, we are still at the whim of someone’s perspective, and at times, this can lead to disaster personally and even professionally.

How to Manage your Online Reputation

It’s a good idea to learn how to manage your personal online reputation; here are some ways you can do so

Think about the way your statement can affect others

This occurs in real life as well, but it is essential to be extra careful online as we can more easily say and do things that aren’t visually affecting another person. We don’t have a way to feel what we are saying or doing can do another person online, so it is vital to be more diligent.

top personal online reputation 2021

How to manage your online reputation – Stay far away from toxicity

Toxicity is a term that has been spreading more now that people regularly interact with each other online. Toxicity describes terrible behavior that can spread to others. For example, being confrontational or negative with someone or being outright insulting can is toxic behavior. This is because it is most likely to elicit a toxic response in return.

Politely discuss rather than argue

Ad Hominem is a form of argument during a debate where you redirect to the person arguing rather than their argument. This is often a personal attack or attack on one’s character. For example, saying someone who supports universal healthcare is just looking for handouts is that form of argument and is not in any way polite and is quite toxic.

Discussing politics occurs now more than ever, and social media has been the battlefield to the interpersonal war with words. Even close family members can become rivals when politics get involved, and with the ease at which a medium for discussion can be maintained thanks to social media, it is tough to stop a debate from turning into a mud fight.

Familiarizing yourself with debate strategies can be an excellent way to have a non-confrontational discussion. Understanding what makes up good debate and communication can not only help you win but keep you from looking like the bad guy which no matter what side you are on with a subject will always make you look like the loser.

How to Manage your Online Reputation

Everyone is always watching

Never assume that what you don’t share publicly online won’t be seen. While there are a plethora of ways to privatize your online activity, even hiding your posts from certain people, it doesn’t guarantee safety. The best way to go about is if you wouldn’t say it in front of your mother, it’s not a good idea to say it on social media. You are not in a private space online; you are in an open forum where what you say and do can be seen and heard by others.

Employers are watching

Being friends with coworkers online is common. This means understanding your relationship with them and it’s boundaries. If you say share a funny video that is all fun and good but posting about going out and getting plastered the day before work might not bode well as that information will most likely spread into your workplace. There are plenty of horror stories where bosses or co-workers saw something posted on social media that got someone fired. Or you were checked up on the day you called in sick, and you had a post of you at the beach. These are different times we live in, and if you open your social media to your coworkers be extra diligent about your behavior.

How to Manage your Online Reputation

How to Manage your Online Reputation

It is a good idea just to avoid connecting with people from the workplace online. Unless they are friends and an ethical boundary is set, you cannot treat a coworker like you do your bestie. It’s just not the same, and the best way to manage your online activity is to keep your work and personal life separate. That goes for social media as well.

How to Manage your Online Reputation – Watch what photos you post

Be aware that people will see and will judge, even if they shouldn’t the way you present yourself in photos. It is best practice to avoid being too rambunctious in your postings. Have photos from a fun night of bar hopping with buds? Maybe thing twice about sharing it if there’s a beer in the pic. Nosedive into a folding table on video? Viral maybe. Reputation altering? Absolutely.

Hopefully, these tips and insights give you an idea of how you can maintain an excellent personal online reputation and how to manage your online reputation. An excellent personal online reputation goes far, as well. Being well regarded on social media can help you meet new friends, get invited to events, or even a job! You never know who on your Facebook page knows a guy who knows a guy who is looking for someone to fill a high position. Especially in arts and entertainment, social media is a massive platform for finding work, so keeping up a reputation can pay off big in the long run! Remember the importance of networking.

Read more – How Much is Your Personal online Reputation Management Worth?


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