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Friday, July 26, 2024

Did Meryl Streep Cross the line at the Golden Globes attacking TRUMP?

Did Meryl Streep Cross the line at the Golden Globes attacking TRUMP? It seems that 2016 with the election year behind us that it will be the year we will never forget. Just when you thought everything was behind us, we were all ready to move forward here comes the  Golden Globes.

Meryl Streep in her vast career has made some of the finest movies ever. No question that she is one of the finest actresses at her craft ever to grace the movie screen.

Did Meryl Streep Cross the line at the Golden Globes attacking TRUMP?

Can this damage your brand when you form your political opinion and voice it in front of millions of viewers watching the event?

The fact is the yes big time; the country is divided into two parts one part does not like Donald Trump and the other part does not like Hillary Clinton. So unless you are not career-oriented and you can care less about the success of your brand may be not voicing your opinion is the right thing to do.

Meryl Streep, Did Meryl Streep Cross the line at the Golden Globes attacking TRUMP

Did Meryl Streep Cross the line at the Golden Globes attacking TRUMP

When you look at populations like the United States with close to 400 million people living here, it could be safe to say that half will not appreciate what you have just stated. If your job is to act then, act if you’re looking to change careers and be a political commentator then by all means.

It seems that celebrities who seem to be so far out of touch with what the common man, the blue-collar worker has been experiencing over the years look like they are the polar opposite.

Did Meryl Streep Cross the line at the Golden Globes attacking TRUMP?

In 2016 many careers and friendships and families have been destroyed over the dislike of one or the other political opponent. The sad reality is that this can be used against you and affect your career and the future profitability of being denied an opportunity because of your thoughts.

Is it free speech? Well maybe but at what cost.  Wise men say, “never discuss religion and politics.”

Meryl Streep

Did Meryl Streep Cross the line at the Golden Globes attacking TRUMP?

That still holds true. Did She cross the line while voicing her opinion? I guess it could be summed up very simply one would surmise having offended half of the viewers who are Trump supporters who no longer like her and may never watch her movies again affects advertising dollars. So ask yourself next time whoever you may be, is it worth attacking someone on live tv.

Read more – Who are the World‘s Richest Female Actresses?

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