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Friday, July 26, 2024

Cooper DuBois Portland CEO on The Future of Mobile Apps

Cooper DuBois Portland Ceo of Truly Social Games, discusses the future of Mobile Apps. Mobile app development has been on an upward trend – and the future is bright. Tech giants like Amazon and Walmart are now using mobile applications for marketing, branding, and improving customer engagement. And they are taking advantage of trending technologies to ensure they stand out in the competitive space. If you’re thinking of developing a mobile app, here are the future trends to watch out for.

Use of Artificial Intelligence

Users of mobile devices expect high speech recognition, navigation, and language processing. In the future, algorithms will be developed for predictive analytics. This will allow developers to give a more immersive experience. Furthermore, the apps will analyze customer behavior and alert the user if there’s a breach of information, says Cooper DuBois Portland, CEO of Truly Social Games.

AI will also help to achieve conversations in real-time. The fast growth can improve user engagement in mobile applications.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Use of virtual reality and augmented reality.

It’s estimated that AR and VR market will grow to $200 billion. With time, these two technologies will be so advanced and could be part of the revolution in the gaming industry. So far, we have seen VR-based mobile games like Google cardboard, Sky Siege, Pokémon GO, and Samsung VR gear. These technologies will influence the way developers build gaming apps.

Cross-platform development of future apps

Use of Swift Programming language

Swift is expected to become part of future mobile app development. The best highlighting feature of Swift is an interactive playground. You can make changes to any coding without fixing features. With time, developers will need to rewrite applications for iPads and iPhones.

Use of Swift Programming language

Cross-platform development of future apps

In the future, we’ll see mobile applications being developed on different platforms like android, blackberry, ios, windows, etc. The development of cross-mobile applications involves running apps on various mobile devices.

Cross-development platforms reduce the cost of developing a mobile app. We also expect more use of tools like Ionic framework, NativeScript, Flutter, and React Native. These tools are based on programming languages like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.


Use of Blockchain technology

Blockchain is one of the latest technologies of modern times. By harnessing Blockchain in mobile apps, businesses will build a secure application and expect a great outcome. If you need a retail app or health app, this is a technology you can’t ignore.

Use of Blockchain technology

5G Technology

In the next few years, 5G technology will realize revenue growth of $12 trillion.

The benefits of 5G technology are lower latency, fast data transfer, user retention, and good user experience. This technology will be used in industries like Smart Cities, AR, and Transportation.

Cooper DuBois Portland Ceo on The Future of Mobile Apps 3


Integration of Internet of Things

IoT is one of the technologies in today’s technological world. This industry is expected to grow to $1.1 trillion by 2022. The internet of Things is spread across wearables, smart cars, and home appliances. In the future, we expect technology to enhance the way we communicate. The cloud’s ability will be essential in the development of future apps.


Integration of Internet of Things

Use of Wearables

In the future, we expect the use of wearables like Galaxy Watch, Fitbit, Snapchat spectacles. These gadgets can be applied in our daily lives. The utilization of these devices will deliver the effectiveness of these apps. And it can open new opportunities for app developers, vendors, and accessory makers. The wearables will be used in fashion, hobbies, fitness, and healthcare.

Cooper DuBois Portland Ceo on The Future of Mobile Apps 2

Motion and location sensors

Most mobile phones have a sensor to track your location. In the future, we expect location sensing to be used in-vehicle navigation, geotagging, and fitness apps.

Innovative user experience design

Effective display of data contributes to the best user experience. And this is what makes app development companies like Pinterest, Instagram, Wunderlist, and Houzz thrive in the competitive world. In the future, we expect developers to exploit cards manipulation and interactive content layers. This will ensure users interact with content in detail. Leading consumer apps are now raising the bar when it comes to user experience.

5G Technology

Use of beacon technology

Beacon technology involves using small Bluetooth chips and sensors to get the accurate location of new devices. This ensures the message swifts smoothly to the intended consumers. In the future, we expect most mobile apps to incorporate beacon technology to boost interaction. It’s believed that industries like tourism, healthcare, and travel will adopt this unique technology by 2022.

the future of mobile apps lies in integration with Use of beacon technology


Final thoughts from Cooper DuBois Portland Ceo Truly Social Games

We can learn a lot from the past to predict the future of mobile apps. From the above information, the future of app development looks bright. It’s time you incorporate the above technologies to bring a `wow’ factor to your business.

Read more – Cooper DuBois Portland CEO Announces Leaf Mobile Acquiring TSG


  1. Cooper DuBois Portland Ceo is entering new frontiers and making way through new technologies to take advantage of the new times with the use of apps, very avant-garde since it is the future

  2. Excellent information about the future of Mobile Apps. Cooper DuBois is always at the forefront of technology and his vision on the subject is quite interesting and accurate. Very good article.

  3. Successful apps these days capitalise on very intrinsic human characteristics.. attention and emotional expression. Any app that has the potential to trigger or fulfil an emotional state will hit 100%. thats why messaging and entertainment apps are leading, really amazins post.very informative

  4. Amazing everything that can be done with current technology! It is good that you have this initiative, I congratulate you for all your work!

  5. Excellent article about the applications and technology that surrounds us more and more every day! Cooper DuBois’ success continues to advance more and more!

  6. I am agree with the benefits of 5G technology are lower latency, fast data transfer, user retention, and good user experience. I think that we can get the best of technology, great post I hope more content in this site.


  8. It is interesting to know about Mobile app, the way it is explained is very educational, thank you very much for sharing it!

  9. Excellent article. It is really impressive how technology has advanced and how it continues to evolve every day. Thanks for sharing this information, I learned a lot.

  10. There is no doubt that technology has not invaded completely, not only in the field of entertainment but also in the most everyday of the day to day, I hope that all these advances allow us to achieve better lifestyles and that everything created will be redirected to the benefit of the population

  11. excellent article technology surprises me more every day they are innovating and creating new things very good information has drawn my interest.

  12. very good article cooper, I found it super interesting, I don’t know much about what you have to take into account to create an app, and you address many points that need to be taken into account in order to create it, this is the future of business, thank you very much to share

  13. Mobile applications will have a great impact on the CEO world in the future, there will be many applications that will facilitate many things.

  14. Wow it friend excellent video, thank you for taking the time to explain the best, it was very useful for me, quick and simple steps plus an excellent explanation, it really works so good

  15. really Cooper Dubois has known how to open the future, currently mobile applications have a great boom in different aspects, on the one hand we have the growing demand in social networks such as tiktok that day by day add new users, on the other the highly demanded video games, either for andoid or IOS, to reach more to that market of people who do not own a video game console

  16. It is a great contribution and above all that they are updated and with the good use of technology they are on the right track, they have a very good projection. I congratulate them.

  17. Cooper DuBois always brings out very interesting information, it draws a lot of attention to the public and is very good, and this information is excellent about mobile applications and their trends, whenever I read this site I am delighted, and this is great, it talks about the development of the applications and their trends and the technological ones like amazon and walmart, thanks for sharing good information with us

  18. En lo absoluto me fascina como va creciendo cada dia la tecnologia, soy amante de los hjuegos y espero con ancias su proxima mejoria, gran ariculo saludos.

  19. Not at all fascinates me how technology grows every day, I am a video game lover and I look forward to its next improvement, great article, greetings.

  20. every day more and more apps come out. currently I dare to say that there is an application for any csa you want to do

  21. Very good information, we are clear that technology is already something necessary for all kinds of things, in turn it is alarming and very full of benefits.

  22. Wow! I must say that this article is very interesting, I loved it, you must read it the best of the use of technology and the use of virtual reality and augmented reality 🙂 Excellent

  23. I must say that I have come across some excellent information .. just as I was looking for it! I love the writing and the way it explains the subject! Brilliant!

  24. I find 5G Technology very exciting
    In the next few years, 5G technology because as the experts say it will achieve a revenue growth of 12 trillion dollars … it is really amazing the advancement of this 5G technology of excellent benefits a lower latency, a fast data transfer, user retention and a good user experience … I love it, it’s Wonderful !!! Let’s give thanks for the advances in technology!

  25. Very good article, it is not really my branch that developing cell phone applications, but without a doubt the article is excellent, without a doubt very good points to take into account.

  26. Great Article 🙂 Technology is always evolving and we need to keep up to date in this evolution. Good articles like this always help accomplish this objective

  27. I must say that this is excellent information on the future of mobile applications. Cooper DuBois is always on the cutting edge of technology and his take on the subject is quite interesting and accurate. Very good article.

  28. Esta idea me parece genial, hay que explotar la tecnologia al maximo y sacarle todo el provecho que se pueda, en este caso con las apps

  29. This is a great project for mobile applications, games and more, I find it very ingenious that they are improving customer participation, with artificial intelligence it is something that draws a lot of attention and it is something that anyone would like to be part of. , It is really impressive

  30. excellent article very good the innovations they are doing at the technological level leaves me surprised how fast technology advances this very well I really liked the article very good

  31. excellent initiative, in addition to being at the forefront with global digital growth! This is the present and right now the leadership of innovation in technology must be taken

  32. Technology is my passion and this article helped me a lot, really thank you for always supporting us with these articles

  33. The article is very interesting, because the future that we saw so much in movies is already here with us. Every day there is a new application, a new crypto, a new program and Cooper Dubois is always at the forefront of all this, since it has qualified personnel to face the new technological era. I congratulate you.

  34. It is incredible what we have reached today, yesterday these things did not even exist and today we are almost within them, hahaha. Virtual reality is impressive. I have tried it a couple of times and I liked it, it is another level of technology. On the other hand, I have no doubt that 5G technology will give a lot to talk about, because technology is advancing by leaps and bounds and luckily, we are here to see it.

  35. Technology is the maximum in fact it is my source of work and this article and page are enchanted by its variety and way of entertaining, thank you!

  36. Excellent all the information transmitted in this article, makes it clear that the future of mobile phone apps is evolving more and more every day, with more efficient and more technological project development.

  37. Wow, what an interesting article and the best of all is that technology is evolving a lot and that is amazing, so many things will be facilitated for consumers. The future of application development looks very bright and impressive.

  38. I love the article, excellent work doing both editing and material, continue with this good content, I hope you grow even more, you have my support.

  39. Waoo excellent I like this informative block also its entertainment block is great truthful information. greetings from ven.

  40. Thank you very much for the information that really solved my doubts, makes everything clear about future mobile applications

  41. Thank you very much for the information that really solved my doubts, makes everything clear about future mobile applications

  42. Every day technology is advancing and gives good surprises for users, I think there is still a lot to learn and put it into practice in our day to day so that activities can be carried out more easily, very complete information.

  43. Artificial intelligence is one of the most relevant technological advances for user satisfaction, with a more detailed way to meet customer needs, excellent review.

  44. Excellent, thank you very much for the information that really solved my doubts, makes everything clear about future mobile applications. Every day technology is advancing and gives good surprises for users, I think there is still a lot to learn and put it into practice in our day to day so that activities can be carried out more easily, very complete information.

  45. artificial intelligence brings many benefits in the technological world, I have loved this post and I fall in love more with technology and the virtual world. excellent work

  46. the best article I have found. excellent words and writing. it is a very interesting topic that is always worth reading. thanks for such a wonderful article.

  47. de verdad son excelentes en todo lo que hacen, ademas de tener buen contenido, también estan involucrados en el desarrollo de app, tienen mis aplausos

  48. Excelente, sin duda se viene algo muy bueno con esta nueva plataforma de juegos, estará genial espero jugar varios de mis favoritos allí

  49. Excelente artigo! Realmente os avanços tecnológicos tem sido fascinantes. Hoje praticamente tudo resolvemos pelo celular através dos aplicativos. Valeu a pena a leitura.

  50. Excellent publication, the information provided will help me a lot, there are things I did not know, thank you, keep it up, I congratulate you……………

  51. I hope that all these advances allow us to achieve better lifestyles and that everything created will be redirected to the benefit of the population

  52. really to read this article I got quite soaked about the subject and my points of view are quite good, this is a quite wonderful subject and it really caught my attention, since artificial intelligence helps us a lot nowadays and for no one is a secret that mobile applications are the future and the present, in the same way this article is quite striking as it tells us about technology and the future things that may come in these, to read this article I quite liked the subject and I am looking forward to continue and continue learning more about this, I will recommend friends and family so that they can be equally soaked in the subject.

  53. I tottaly agree that technology gets improved all the time. This is what people look for, that thing get easier and faster to do. Mobile games and access are part of everyone’s day life.

  54. who would have thought that we were going to depend a lot on AI .. it is the future and well, let’s hope that artificial intelligence is for the good of humanity

  55. excellent information which has been very useful to me and solved many doubts on the subject, quality and informative innovation, thank you for sharing

  56. Excellent information about the future of Mobile Apps. Cooper DuBois is always at the forefront of technology and his vision on the subject is quite interesting and accurate. Very good article

  57. Very interesting article about the importance of technology in the not too distant future of mobile applications. Thanks for sharing this post …

  58. What good strategies to develop mobile applications, they will undoubtedly be of great benefit today and in the future, I really liked this post, you have my admiration for your work

  59. It seems to me a great summary of what will be the dominance of digital apps in the world … very well explained and from the hand of this great expert


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