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Friday, July 26, 2024

Why Plant-Based Foods Are on the Rise

Plant-Based Foods, the benefits of popular demand.

Totesnewsworthy Special on the rise of Plant-based foods

Have you ever been wanting to try a plant-based diet, but just can’t seem to give up the idea of cooking burgers over a grill on a late summer evening? I couldn’t either.. it’s hard! But, luckily for us, now there are so many options to choose from for tasty, even kid-friendly, plant-based fiids. Even some with the same textures as meat! I know what I was thinking at first, I’ve seen all the vegetarian and vegan “meat” options and your appetite plummets a little bit. In today’s society, though, all of that has changed. Let’s take a look at the benefits in the rise of popular demand among plant-based foods, their health benefits, and, of course, the flavor benefits.

Why Plant-Based Foods Are on the Rise

First and foremost, what is the benefit of switching over to plant-based meals? You might find yourself thinking, “How am I going to get protein eating like a rabbit?” as a lot of people do. Or, “I’ve been eating this way for years, I feel fine. Why should I consider cutting meat out of my diet now?”. Well, let me get straight to the point. If you knew of a way to increase your energy, lose body fat, look better, feel better, and be better.

Would you? I think most of us would say, yes. And now, it’s even more accessible than ever. By popular demand, we now have plant-based options that appear, feel, and taste just like meat without all the cholesterol, and artery-clogging factors that go into play. I’m sure by now you’ve seen it, fast food restaurants advertising plant-based burgers and chicken. The rise in demand for these products has skyrocketed, even some people who still eat meat will go to these restaurants and prefer the plant-based foods. That’s incredible! Just to have the opportunity to eat healthier on the go, and it’s not just some dried out veggie burger with no flavor. But a surprisingly juicy, delicious, and filling meal that will leave you thinking that there has got to be some sort of animal product in there. And thankfully, it’s just the beginning.

Why Plant-Based Foods Are on the Rise

So, let’s get to the facts on the benefits of these products. Not only will you be looking thinner, healthier, and more confident. But, you’ll also be lowering the risk of countless diseases that animal products can cause, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and many more. The sad thing is, so many products in grocery stores today are filled with chemicals and preservatives that directly relate to these health risks.

And many of these chemicals and preservatives are banned in other countries. If that doesn’t give you a red flag, I’m not sure what will. Luckily for us, though, the rise in health awareness has opened the doors for many plant-based alternatives that can help us combat these health risks we’ve been placed under. And, it doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg anymore! Due to popular demand, many grocery stores now offer organic, plant-based foods at a reasonable price. And, it’s not all looking up recipes and having to throw a bunch of vegetables together in hopes that your significant others and children will approve of. Now, you can buy these products already pre-packaged and ready to go. Just the other day, I saw plant-based corn dogs, burgers, chicken nuggets, and many more. And most of them are surprisingly tasty!

Spicy vegan burgers

The rise in popular demand for  plant-based foods is super beneficial to our society’s well being as well. There are so many people today that don’t have the financial option to have a plant-based diet. But, now that all of that is changing due to the popularity of these products, so many people are going to be allowed to change their lives, and stomach flora, forever. Now that this is being set in place, the negative statistics of heart disease, diabetes, and overall mental health finally has a chance to drastically decrease. We all live fast-paced, busy lives sometimes and don’t have an opportunity to cook a wholesome, plant-based meal. But thanks to the rise in popularity of these products, they’re readily available for us to improve our health, one delicious bite at a time.

For more information please visit Plan-based Lifestyle Living website.


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