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How To Tell if Your Boss Hates You and What To Do About It

How to tell if your boss hates you and what to do about it. It’s natural for some employees to find their boss a little bit intimidating. After all, there’s an inherent imbalance of power at play. Despite this, you should never have to feel afraid of or hated by your employer.

If you feel like they dislike you but can’t tell for sure, here’s how to tell if your boss hates you and what to do about it.

You’re Being Micromanaged

A bit of micromanaging can be normal for high-strung employers training new employees. However, if you’re well beyond the training stage and have proved yourself as a worker, this shouldn’t continue. If you have to get approval to do anything or your boss is constantly watching you, they may not be your biggest fan.

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How To Tell if Your Boss Hates You and What To Do About It

You Feel Ignored or Left Out

While it may seem counterintuitive, you can feel ignored or left out even if your boss is micromanaging you. If you’re trying to get in touch with your boss and they consistently don’t respond, this is likely not a coincidence. Additionally, if they leave you out of important meetings or training sessions, this is a huge red flag.

You’re Receiving a Lot or No Criticism – How To Tell if Your Boss Hates You and What To Do About It

Look at your employee review. Are you getting flooded with harsh criticism, or are you getting generic, cookie-cutter responses? If your boss constantly critiques you or doesn’t give you any advice at all, they may not like you. However, pay special attention to consistent critique that is overly harsh, cruel, and unnecessary, as this is a sign that you may be a victim of workplace retaliation. In these cases, your boss may be trying to make you quit.

You’re Being Overlooked for Assignments and Promotions

Bosses shouldn’t overlook seasoned employees who have done quality work consistently. If good projects are passing you by, and you’re getting only the really simple or really difficult projects, this is likely not by accident.

How To Tell if Your Boss Hates You and What To Do About It
How To Tell if Your Boss Hates You and What To Do About It

Also, if you’re a long-term employee who hasn’t seen a pay raise or a promotion in quite some time, despite others in the same role getting promotions, it’s time to pay attention. This is especially true if you’ve spoken to your employer about a raise or promotion, and they keep brushing you off or flat-out ignoring you.

What To Do About It

Now that you can tell whether your boss hates you, what can you do about it? It’s time to set up a meeting with them and ask them directly. Don’t ask, “Why do you dislike me?” Instead, in a calm, professional manner, pinpoint and recount to them the exact action(s) that have made you feel unwanted or uncomfortable. If they can give you a straight answer that doesn’t crumble apart under questioning, they likely don’t dislike you, but you should still keep an eye out to see if they change their behavior. If they can’t give you a clear answer, or the answer doesn’t make sense, take things to HR.

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How To Tell if Your Boss Hates You and What To Do About It

Ultimately, an employer should never make you feel intimidated or disliked. You deserve to work in a place where you feel safe, valued, and respected, no matter what your job is.

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