Send Me On Vacation Announces Champions for Charity Fundraiser

Send Me On Vacation announces Champions for Charity fundraiser in Paradise Valley, Arizona, for the Fall of 2022. This exciting annual gala event is sponsored by Grand Pacific Resorts and will take place on October 15th, 2022. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased online by clicking here.

Send Me On Vacation Announces Champions for Charity Fundraiser

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and the perfect time to support breast cancer survivors by attending the Send Me On Vacation gala. Send Me sends breast cancer survivors on healing vacations post-treatment worldwide and has served over 600 women over the last ten years.

Send Me On Vacation Announces Champions for Charity Fundraiser (2)

The cost of sending survivors on vacation to rejuvenate their body, mind, and spirit averages between $600-$1500, thanks in large part to our travel industry sponsors, Grand Pacific Resorts, Lifestyle Holiday Vacation Club, Absolute World Resorts, Condominium Travel Club, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line & SFX Preferred Resorts. These industry champions change the life of survivors “one vacation at a time.”

Our annual gala and the tea party are Send Me On Vacation’s main fundraising events. Donations are also collected online to help generate enough funds to cover the total vacation cost for our survivors. Everyone in the organization is a volunteer, making Send Me On Vacation a true not-for-profit that champions the cause.

Send Me On Vacation announces Champions for Charity fundraiser allows everyone to become a champion today and bring a survivor to the gala to support someone you love in their fight to survive breast cancer. Each survivor breast cancer survivor who attends receives an invitation to participate in a group trip or a vacation certificate.

Send Me On Vacation Announces Champions for Charity Fundraiser (3)

Send Me On Vacation is a registered non-profit organization in Arizona that focuses on taking breast cancer survivors on much-needed vacations to help heal their bodies, rejuvenate their spirit and promote wellness in both mind and body. A 100% all-volunteer organization, Send Me On Vacation relies on fundraising events, direct donations, and business and corporate sponsorships to achieve our goal of sending over 100 breast cancer survivors on vacation each year.

Send Me On Vacation’s Champions for Charity fundraising event this Fall is graciously being hosted at the private residence of The Lynch Family in Paradise Valley, Arizona. The fun-filled evening will include entertainment, a silent auction, drinks, and dinner. And, as always, all donations to this worthy cause are tax deductible.

The festive gala is scheduled to occur between 6 pm and 9 pm on October 15th. We highly recommend making your reservation today. Tickets are $100 per person and can be purchased at this website. Donations of any amount are also happily accepted through the same online portal.

Send me on vacations

Bennet Lane winery is located at the northern end of the Napa Valley in California. Attendees of the SMOV gala in October will be pleased to learn that these award-winning wines will be featured throughout the evening. Bennet Lane has over 65 wines awarded 90+ points from publications such as Wine Enthusiast, Wine Spectator, and Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate.

Send Me On Vacation’s Champions for Charity fundraising event is an excellent opportunity to help support the organization and the many cancer survivors that help every year.

Read more – Send Me On Vacation Delighted at Support From Hacienda Encantada


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