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Free China seed scam Mailed to Tens of Thousands

Free China seed scam is a danger to us in Canada and the USA? Chinese mystery seeds mailed to tens of thousands of people worldwide over the past few years continue to upset recipients.

Government, agriculture, and news agencies in several countries have reported increasing reports of receipt of these Chinese mystery seeds.

Free China seed scam Mailed to Tens of Thousands

According to most reports, as early as 2019, many consumers began receiving packages in the mail that contained Chinese mystery seeds. Some recipients reported containers that were clearly labeled that they had seeds.

Other packages claimed to include earrings or other small pieces of jewelry in the box; however, they contained unsolicited mystery seeds when opened. All of the packages, however, had one thing in common. They all originated from China post.

Authorities are quick to point out that the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be the catalyst for consumers to heighten awareness and increase people reporting the receipt of these Chinese mystery seeds.

Free China seed scam Mailed to Tens of Thousands 1

Free China seed scam Mailed to Tens of Thousands Mystery Seeds Mailed to Tens of Thousands

Some reports have linked the receipt of these Chinese mystery seeds to a breach of Amazon customers’ information a couple of years ago. Some people familiar with the investigation believe that the Chinese mystery seeds are part of an elaborate internet scam designed to do nothing more than garner reviews for products.

This type of scam is known as brushing. It works because unsolicited items are sent to consumers so that online retailers can request a review of their products. Since the consumer has received a shipment from the retailer, their review will be considered that of a verified buyer and therefore rank higher on search engine reviews.

This seems to be a reasonable explanation for why Chinese mystery seeds mailed to tens of thousands of people may be harmless. However, not everyone involved in the investigation believes that the truth behind the Chinese mystery seeds is that simple. Some people believe that the seeds are meant to be harmful, invasive, and potentially hurtful to crops and soil.

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Free China seed scam Mailed to Tens of Thousands

Until the actual reason why Chinese mystery seeds mailed to tens of thousands comes to light, most responsible agencies and governments warn people not to plant or eat any seeds that they did not specifically order. Amazon has even gone so far as to discontinue selling seeds internationally.

Free China seed scam Mailed to Tens of Thousands

Also, the USDA has an official guide that has been given to state agencies describing proper ways to destroy the Chinese mystery seeds. Their suggestions include a deep soak in bleach, baking the seeds in the oven or microwave, enclosing the seeds in duct tape, or placing the Chinese mystery seeds in at least two ziplock bags to suffocate them.

For anyone who has received a package of Chinese mystery seeds mailed to tens of thousands, the critical first step is to alert local and state authorities. The agencies involved request that you keep all packing material and the seed envelope intact so experts may properly test the seeds for origin and species.

Scam Alert

Free China seed scam Mailed to Tens of Thousands – Seeds from China 2022

However, all the experts agree that the most important thing to keep in mind is that anyone who has received a package of Chinese mystery seeds mailed to tens of thousands does not plant or eat them under any circumstances.

If you have already planted Chinese mystery seeds, officials request that you dig up the plants by the roots and do not plant anything else in the same area for at least one year.

Read more – How To Recognize Email Phishing Scams

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