Top 10 Mexican UNESCO Sites That are a Must See

TotesNewsworthy suggests must-see top 10 Mexican UNESCO Sites.

Are you a lover of nature and history, look no further than Mexico. With more UNESCO sites than any other country in the Americas, UNESCO ranks Mexico among the list of world countries with the highest number of UNESCO sites. In the list, Mexico is number seven.

The home of chocolate, avocadoes, and Tequila has 35 world heritage sites that consist of 27 cultural, six natural and two mixed sites. Out of the 35 sites, the following are the top ten must-see UNESCO sites.

Here are TotesNewsworthy Best Picks for Top 10 Mexican UNESCO Sites

1. Chichen-Itza

Chichen Itza is a former pre-Hispanic city that is considered a sacred site. The name itself translates to the mouth at the well of Itza. Several temples are in this holy city including the Kukulkan Temple, also known as the El Castillo, the Temple of Warriors and the El Caracol. El Castillo is the most popular among the three. It is a pyramid in shape and dominates the city as it sits on another ancient temple.

Chichen Itza, Mayan Pyramid of Kukulcan El Castillo at sunset

Chichen Itza, Mayan Pyramid of Kukulcan El Castillo at sunset one of the Top 10 Mexican UNESCO Sites

Chichen Itza has a long history dating back thousands of years , and many people throughout the world have visited this sacred city.

2.Mexico City

Zocalo and Xochimilco are some of the most attractive Mexico City UNESCO sites that put Mexico in this list. While here, visitors get to experience the amazing culture that includes the famous Mexican dishes, including the Tamale, Tacos, and the other fine dishes at their finest.

Top 10 Mexican UNESCO Sites That are a Must See

Mexican Flag Metropolitan Cathedral and President’s Palace in Zocalo, Center of Mexico City

The city boasts of impressive colonial architecture and the spectacular canal system that dates back centuries ago. The city is also home to the Aztec ruins as well as several rural and urban structures dating centuries ago. At Zocalo, visitors can have a glimpse of a living culture dating back to the founding of the Tenochtitlan, a Mexican city-state, in the 14th century.

Several colored boats with tourists and gondoliers at exotic Floating Gardens in Mexican city with clear blue sky in warm sunny winter day

XOCHIMILCO, Several colored boats with tourists and gondoliers at exotic Floating Gardens in Mexican city with clear blue sky in warm sunny winter day

3. Cancun

Cancun is another famous Mexican city known for its amazing nightlife, beautiful beaches, and multiple resorts.Some of the Cancun UNESCO sites include the Mayan ruins which include the Yamil Lu’um, a pale gray crumbling tower, and the El Rey.


Top 10 Mexican UNESCO Sites Tulum

These ruins dating back to 250 A.D., comprise of a pyramid temple and 47 ancient buildings. A trip to these sites makes visitors realize that there is more to Cancun than the partying and beach life.

Top 10 Mexican UNESCO Sites That are a Must See

4. Teotihuacan

Full of geometric pyramids, Teotihuacan is another sacred city’ that existed long before the Aztecs. It has sacred monuments like theQuetzalcoatl Temple, the sun, and the Moon Pyramid. To add on the supernatural aspects here, the venue of the Dead’ runs through this city.

Stunning view of Teotihuacan Pyramids and Avenue of the Dead, Mexico

Stunning view of Teotihuacan Pyramids and Avenue of the Dead, Mexico

At the height of its existence, the city was once regarded the largest among all the cities in the Americas and the sixth largest in the entire world.

5. Puerto Vallarta

Known for its blazing nightlife, water sports, and beautiful beaches, Puerto Vallarta is also home to some amazing UNESCO Heritage sites. One of the popular Puerto Vallarta UNESCO sites is the historic center located at the heart of the city.

totes NewsworthyA night shot of the illuminated cathedral in Puerto Vallarta by

Illuminated Cathedral in Puerto Vallarta

It is in the same city that the popular Our Lady of Guadalupe church, Plaza de Armas and the Malecon are located. Also, the city is home to several beautiful cobblestone streets and houses with white walls and tile roofs.

6. Calakmul

Located deep in the Mexican jungle in the Yucatan Peninsula, Calakmul is the best location for visitors seeking adventure. The spectacular Mayan city dating back centuries used to be the seat of the Snake Kingdom that reigned for years during the classic period.

The ruins of the city of Calakmul. Maya Pyramid.

The Ruins of the City of Calakmul. Maya Pyramid.

It is hard to believe that this highly isolated location used to be a full-fledged city with about 50,000 inhabitants and a properly structured governance. Calakmul is made up of 6,750 ancient structures included a pyramid. Among the Mayan pyramids, the pyramid here is among the tallest.

7. El Tajín

El Tajin has stone monuments and pyramids that date back centuries. All these monuments stand on a green valley. The most dominant among these structures is the Niches Pyramid, which is 18 meters tall and has seven tiers of small niches looking like small windows.

Pyramid of the Niches at El Tajin archeological site

Pyramid of the Niches at El Tajin

The niches are 365 in number to represent the total number of days according to the solar calendar. Apart from these niches, the site also boasts of wonderful wall paintings with amazing colors.

8. Puebla

Located to the south of Mexico City, Puebla is famous for its spectacular colonial architecture, great culinary history, and amazing pottery. However, what makes the city a part of the top ten UNESCO sites in Mexico is the Puebla Cathedral. The beautiful church constructed in the 16th century is truly a remarkable sight. It was constructed in such a way that it rises above the center of the city hence can be seen from afar.

Front view of Cathedral of puebla at night, Puebla de Zaragoza, Mexico

Cathedral of Puebla at Night

The church has an impressive interior made of beautiful ecclesiastical and artistic artifacts. While here, visitors also get to behold the vast display of pre-Hispanic art.

9. Campeche City

Narrow streets, pastel buildings, well-preserved mansions, and fortified ramparts make Campeche city an ancient fairyland. Some of the richest Spanish families built the mansions and the walls in the 18th and 19th century when the town was vibrant.

San Francisco de Campeche, Mexico:

The Sea Gate or Bastion of the Puerta del Mar. Cathedral in Campeche

The city also has a museum housing world-class pieces, guarded by one colonial fort that has been preserved over the ages. Another colonial fort guards the city. Even though only a few people live in the city, Campeche is truly a sight to behold.

10. Guanajuato City

Located in central Mexico, Guanajuato city is home to beautifully decorated homes that are located near the silver mines. This town full of colorful houses was constructed in the 16th century during the silver mining rush shortly after silver was discovered here.

Our Lady of Guanajuato Paz Peace Statue Night Guanajuato Mexico, Top 10 Mexican UNESCO Sites That are a Must See

The colorful houses are the heritage of this city and are quite a remarkable sight. Some of the silversmithing families still live here to this day. The city is also famous for having narrow tunnels, streets and alleyways where balconies are close enough for couples in separate balconies to kiss hence the nickname Callejon del Beso,’ translating to the Alley of the Kiss.’

TotesNewsworthy Conclusion of the Top 10 Mexican Unesco Sites

Whether you have gone to Mexico for business or vacation, make sure you do not leave the country without visiting some of the above sites if not all.

For more information please visit this link.

Read more about Top 10 world UNESCO heritage sites.


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