The Most Dangerous Car Repairs To Make

The most dangerous car repairs to make. Repairing your vehicle on your own can sometimes save you a good chunk of change. Other times, however, you may wind up with a medical bill that costs far more than you would have paid by just going to a mechanic in the first place. To avoid injuring yourself while working on your vehicle, don’t try to take on repairs that are too difficult or risky for your skill level.

Below, we will address some of the most dangerous car repairs to make. Try them at your own risk.

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The Most Dangerous Car Repairs To Make

Replacing a Transmission

Replacing a transmission is one of the most expensive car repairs you can make, which may tempt some people to try doing it on their own. Taking on a transmission replacement, however, can be very dangerous.

Removing a transmission and installing a new one requires you to jack up your vehicle and work beneath it while simultaneously trying to handle the transmission, which typically weighs between 100 and 400 pounds, depending on the model. If you don’t disconnect or reconnect one of the many components correctly, you could easily end up with a shattered foot, a broken hand, or worse.

Plus, replacing a transmission is an extremely complicated process that typically requires a high level of mechanical skill and expertise to pull off successfully. As such, it’s best to leave this repair to the professionals.

Swapping Out Detonated Airbags

While unplugging a detonated airbag and removing the old unit may not be all that challenging or dangerous, installing the new one is a different story. When trying to install the new airbag, there is always a risk of unintended deployment, even for a trained technician. Such a forceful and unexpected deployment could severely injure you, depending on what position you’re in and what tools you’re holding.

There is also the safety risk of not installing the airbag correctly, in that it wouldn’t be there to keep you safe in the case of an accident. Based on these substantial risks, you’re better off delegating this repair to a professional.

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The Most Dangerous Car Repairs To Make

Repairing a Broken Coil Spring

Another one of the most dangerous car repairs to make is repairing snapped coil springs. The coil springs on a vehicle are partially responsible for supporting the weight of the car. As such, the springs are tightly wound and consistently under extreme pressure. If you are installing a new coil spring and it suddenly unleashes tension during the process, it could lash out and hit you, which may result in serious injury or even death.

To put the power of the coil spring into perspective, some snapped coil springs have broken through cinder block walls. If you don’t want to risk receiving that kind of blow, we suggest hiring a professional for this repair.

Read more – 4 Tips for Talking With Your Car Mechanic

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Rene Peters
Herm Peters is a travel blogger and Food Blogger.


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