Must-Know Tips for Lowering Your Company’s Energy Bill

Must-know tips for lowering your company’s energy bill. Owning commercial property and running a business comes with a lot of responsibilities. And some of those responsibilities affect your finances. Is your company losing more money than it’s making?

When you look at the situation with a wide lens, you might notice that the problem comes from the building itself. Are the utility bills increasing every month, and you can’t find a solution?

Check out these must-know tips for lowering your company’s energy bill.

Perform an Energy Audit

You can’t fix the problem if you don’t know the cause. Perform an energy audit to learn the exact places in your building where the most electricity gets used. After auditors give you an itemized list, you can start to strategize ways to lower your energy costs.

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Must-Know Tips for Lowering Your Company’s Energy Bill

Most of them will likely recommend alternatives for you and areas of improvement. You don’t have to take all their suggestions, but their feedback opens up the door to ideas for you and the rest of your team. You might discover that office behavior will need to change. For example, instead of always using the elevator, suggest taking the stairs occasionally.

Switch to LED

Investing in some energy-efficient technology is sure to lower your company’s electrical bill. Switching your company’s light bulbs to LED is one of the cheaper options. You save money in two different instances because they are cheaper to buy, and they are cheaper to power your commercial property.

Reasons To Upgrade Your Business’s Lighting to Smart LEDs

Must-Know Tips for Lowering Your Company’s Energy Bill

LED lights are more energy efficient and last longer than traditional light bulbs. Depending on how you use them, LED lights can last as long as 100,000 hours. That converts to about 6 to 12 years. They take less energy to power and light up the building, and they last 75 percent longer than standard light bulbs.

Tint the Windows

Think about how often you adjust the thermostat in the building. For some people, the temperature might be too cold, and for others, it might not be cold enough. Tint the windows of your commercial property to naturally control the temperature inside your building.

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Must-Know Tips for Lowering Your Company’s Energy Bill

The film of the tint will block the UV rays from seeping into the building and blasting everyone. Tinting will keep the temperature consistent throughout the entire building and cut off excess heat from the sun. It also keeps heat inside during those cold winter months.

Adjust the Thermostat

The tinted windows prevent you from adjusting the thermostat throughout the day, but think about the times when no one occupies the building. When the day is done and everyone has left, turn down the thermostat. There is no reason to have the temperature set the same.

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Must-Know Tips for Lowering Your Company’s Energy Bill

You don’t need to shut it off completely because then the system will work overtime to re-cool or reheat the building when you turn it back on. Turn the temperature down and save yourself some money.

These must-know tips for lowering your company’s energy bill will save your business a fortune. Regardless of your company’s function, you’re in the business of making money and not losing it.

Read more – Different Strategies To Help Grow a Small Business


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