Living in an RV: Is It Worth It?

Living in an RV seems like a dream for many: ultimate mobility and convenience! But is it worth it? Click here to weigh the pros and cons now.

One million Americans live in an RV. What would prompt someone to live this alternative lifestyle? Have you ever felt called to do something like this?

If the pandemic taught us anything it’s that life is short. Many people are opting for alternative ways of living because they’re tired of the status quo. There are many things externally and internally to explore when living in an RV.

Do the pros outweigh the cons? What should you look out for before you hit the road?

Read our guide below to see if living in an RV is right for you and your family.

Pro: Adventure

There’s no denying that one of the biggest benefits of living in an RV is the sense of adventure. The world is your oyster. With some planning, you can choose a destination and be on your way.

Whatever calls to you is at your disposal. Whether you like national parks or whitewater rafting, you can experience it with the RV lifestyle.

Living in an RV: Is It Worth It?

Pro: Time With Friends and Family

You may see your relatives often when you live in a traditional home. You may only see them once a year for holidays if that.

Living in an RV allows you to travel across the country at the drop of a hat. You’ll love exploring the great outdoors to visit loved ones. They’ll love seeing you throughout the year to spend quality time with you.

Pro: Traveling With Your Home

With a home on wheels, you won’t have to need to fuss with packing. Everything will already be right there for you. Since all of your stuff is right where it needs to be, you can take a trip whenever you’d like.

Living in an RV is a comfort when on the road. You can cook your meals, take showers in your bathroom, sleep in your bed, and use your toilet.

Sound enticing? Contact this motorhome dealer to get started.

Pro: Pets

Do you hate having to board your pets every time you take a trip? This not only comes at a financial cost, but an emotional one. The good news is that, with a full-time RV life, you won’t have to experience this again.

Bring your pets along for the ride! They’ll love being able to explore the great outdoors too. Dogs especially are great companions when exploring nature.

Pro: Relationship Growth

Living with a partner sure has its ups and down. When you shrink that down to 300 feet 365 days a year, things will get even tougher.

See the positive in this though. View it as a way to get to know one another. It is an excellent time for growth in the relationship.

You’ll learn what works for you and what doesn’t. You’ll make compromises and learn to love and respect each other in ways that were previously hidden.

Living in an RV: Is It Worth It? 3

Pro: Choose Your Seasons

By living in an RV, you don’t have to experience the winter if you don’t want to. You can always be traveling to warmer climates. This is a win-win situation if you dread winter every year.

Alternatively, if you and your partner love to ski or snowboard, you could find those climates during those colder months. When it comes to the seasons, the choice is yours.

Pro: Fewer Household Chores

Do you dread doing your chores? You’re not alone. Another benefit of living in an RV is fewer household chores to do.

If you think about it, having an RV home is a lot like having a tiny home. With less space to call your own, that means less time with chores. You can knock out the entire RV in 10-15 minutes.

Pro: Life Is Lived Outside

Think of how many hours you spend indoors in front of your devices. Spending so much time indoors isn’t good for your mental health.

RV living flips your normal routine on its head. You get to spend time in nature, take hikes, walk on the beach, etc. You’ll love how nourished your heart and head feel with this as a staple in your life.

Pro: Working With a View

Living the RV lifestyle requires you to have some income coming in. These days, most people work from home. You can take this up a notch by having your home be an RV and your life on the road.

There are plenty of work-from-home jobs you can land. You’ll love your office and enjoy getting up to work that much more.

Con: Ongoing Maintenance

With any living situation, you’ll have to keep up with the maintenance—an RV is no different. You’ll run into problems now and then that you’ll have to address.

Pay attention to warning signs on your dashboard. You don’t want to wait too long to fix something. The more you can understand your vehicle, the better off you’ll be.

Con: Missing Friends and Family

You may get homesick from time to time. While you could write letters or Zoom with them, it won’t replace being face-to-face with them. Plan your year out so you’ll have something to look forward to.

Con: Lack of Community Services

By living in an RV, you’ll give up things you take granted for such as doctor and dentist visits. It’s good to schedule these annually in your hometown so that you’ll be squared away. You can also take advantage of virtual visits too.

Con: Complex Budgeting

Full-time RV life requires you to set a budget and stick with it. There are expenses like food, fuel, maintenance, campgrounds, etc. You’ll want to set aside money for any emergencies too.

You’ll feel that much better when every dollar has a home.

Explore the Road When Living in an RV

So, what do you think? When it comes to living in an RV, do the pros outweigh the cons? We sure think so!

You’ll never know how you feel until you explore the road yourself. If you feel the call of adventure, take it.

We hope you enjoyed our blog post on the RV lifestyle. For much more lifestyle advice, be sure to read our blog regularly.

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