How to Protect Eyes from Mobile Screen and Computer Screen?

How to Protect Eyes from Mobile Screen and Computer Screen? It has gone from using a mobile phone only once in a while to using it almost daily. You can accomplish almost anything with your smartphone these days.

Think about how much power you have over this small gadget. You may do a wide range of tasks, such as checking your bank account, placing an order for groceries, and even monitoring your doorbell.

How to Protect Eyes from Mobile Screen and Computer Screen? 1

How to Protect Eyes from Mobile Screen and Computer Screen?


There are multiple solutions how to protect eyes from mobile screen. It’s incredible what we have practically at our fingertips, but do we think about the potential damage it might do us? We may be losing our peripheral vision without even realizing it since we spend so much time staring at our smartphones and other mobile gadgets.

Tips On How To Protect Eyes From Mobile Screen

Customize the Display Preferences

Even if your screen looks great out of the box, it’s easy to overlook that you can personalize it. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to smartphone display customization. When you’re at home, turn down the brightness or enable automatic brightness control so that your phone knows how bright it needs to be based on the lighting conditions. Add an option to increase your text’s font size to make it simpler to read. This is how to protect eyes from mobile screen.

Maintain a Safe Distancing

16 to 18 inches away is the ideal distance for seeing the phone’s screen. Don’t hold your phone too near, but if you catch yourself moving the phone closer, try zooming in on your screen.

How to Protect Eyes from Mobile Screen and Computer Screen? 3

How to Protect Eyes from Mobile Screen and Computer Screen?

Use Night Mode

Night mode features on modern Android and Apple devices make it easy to automatically lessen eye strain at night. Turn on the function, and your phone’s screen settings will automatically adapt to match the time of day.

Don’t Forget to Blink

When using a smartphone or tablet, it’s all too easy to forget to blink. We look at the smartphone because we’re so preoccupied with the material. We blink to keep our eyes wet and to refocus them. Do it often to prevent dryness and strain. This is one of the best tips on how to protect eyes from mobile screen.

Use Pro Screen Protectors

Matte screen covers mimic the look of old-school LCDs on smartphones. They shield your screen from damage and minimize glare from outside sources like street lights and the sun. They’re also affordable.

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How to Protect Eyes from Mobile Screen and Computer Screen?

Use Artificial Tears

Artificial tears may be a useful aid in lubricating the eyes for all sorts of eyestrain, whether generated by computers or mobile devices. Preservative-free and preservative-containing lubricating eye drops are both readily available over-the-counter. To discover the one you like best, you may have to experiment with numerous. This is how to protect eyes from mobile screen.

Keep Your Screen Clean

It’s only natural that your screen has several streaks from your fingertips on it so often. In addition to being a health hazard, this dirt may cause eye strain. Regularly wiping off your screen with a soft cloth is all it takes. Water is not required. All you need is a microfiber cloth. It would be best if you used proper mobile screen eye protection.


Long periods spent staring at the small screen of a smartphone may lead to tired eyes and perhaps irreparable damage to the eyes. As much as we love our smartphones, we must take steps to ensure that our eyes are protected while we use them. There are multiple solutions mentioned above on how to protect eyes from mobile screen, which you must follow. There’s no reason not to attempt some practical strategies to reduce the danger to your eyes from using a smartphone.

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Marko Jankovic
Marco is a travel blogger and technical writer for many subjects


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