Ways to Crack or Pop Your Lower Back

Ways to Crack or Pop Your Lower Back? Cracking your lower back is often known to relieve pressure and stress. It is a normal process and can be triggered without doing it intentionally. For example, when you get up from a chair after sitting for a long time or suddenly change sleep positions. Read about more great Ways to Crack or Pop Your Lower Back.

Ways to Crack or Pop Your Lower Back (2)

Ways to Crack or Pop Your Lower Back

And when it occurs on its own, there is nothing to be concerned about, as it happens to most people. The cracking sound when you try to move your back can be due to various reasons, like the slight movement of discs and ligaments or friction against the muscles.

Ways to Crack or Pop Your Lower Back

Though cracking or that pop you hear temporarily relieves some strain, it is unnecessary to continue regularly as it may cause more harm than benefit. Older adults or persons with pre-existing joint or back problems should be more cautious with cracking their lower back. It is advised to try these exercises under the guidance of a physical therapist.

best tips on how to Crack your Lower Back

Ways to Crack or Pop Your Lower Back

One can experiment with how to crack or pop their lower back in various ways.

Often you have already discovered most of the primary ways by yourself, yet there are some expert techniques you may find new. Some of them are:

How to Crack or Pop Your Lower Back?

One of the most basic techniques is the sitting technique, where you sit in a standard chair, take both your hands to your back, and join the fingers. Then it would help if you slowly rubbed against your back up and down. After some time, there should be a cracking or popping sound. It should be enough to relax your back even if it doesn’t crack or pop.

Another common technique is twisting, where you sit in a chair and hold your right hand to the right side of your chair or your left hand to the left hand of the chair and twist your back to your right, and you’ve left accordingly.

top tips on How to Crack your Lower Back (2)

Ways to Crack or Pop Your Lower Back

This is a straightforward way to crack your back. It should be stretched for longer as it may cause unnecessary strain on your back if continued longer.

You can lie on the floor or on a mat keeping your body fixed to the floor. Then gently pull up your right leg and enclose it over the left leg. After that, try to bring your left hand, grab your right leg, and slowly push it towards the left side, producing a cracking sound. You can also do the same procedure for the left leg and continue the process and vice versa.

You can also stand still and hold your lower back with both hands. Then try to bend backward such that pressure falls on the lower back part. Stretching as long as you feel comfortable, and stop when a cracking sound occurs.

Ways to Crack or Pop Your Lower Back (1)

Ways to Crack or Pop Your Lower Back

You can lie on the edge of your bed where only your head and a little portion of your back should be outside the bed. You can slowly tilt your head and back towards the ground as long as you feel comfortable.

You can stand still, raise both your hands, slowly bend forward, and try to touch your feet. While stretching, you shouldn’t force it, and a slight effort is enough to produce a cracking sound and relieve your back.

Standing straight and spinning your upper half of the body on the same axis is also a convenient way to crack your back. Once to the right and once to the left with very little force, it should be turned very slowly.

How to crack or pop your lower back, you should seek a professional as this is not a medical site.

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