Foods That are High in Iron

Foods that are high in Iron are what many people ask for, keeping a balance of minerals in their system. Iron is an essential mineral that helps produce hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen throughout the body. Lack of enough Iron can lead to anemia – you feel dizzy or experience shortness of breath. According to science, men need 8mg of Iron daily, while women require 18mg daily (it increases with age). To boost Iron in your body, you should look at the nutritional profile of what you eat.

Foods That are High in Iron

Liver, ground beef

Animal proteins like beef are a rich source of Iron. One cup of the liver (100g) serves your body with 6.6mg of Iron, while 3 ounces of dark turkey meat gives 1.23 mg of Iron.

Liver, ground beef

Foods That are High in Iron

Cooked oysters

The next time you order some food in the restaurant, you may want to include oysters in your menu. A 3-ounce serving supplies the body with 8 mg of Iron. This is equivalent to 100% of the recommended daily intake in men. While your body will absorb plant-based irons easily, incorporating more veggies in your oyster diet will make the Iron bioavailable.

Dark chocolate

Most people see dark chocolate as a sweet treat. It’s rich in antioxidants and has a high concentration of Iron. One ounce serving supplies the body with 4mg of Iron. If you have a sweet tooth, you have a reason to make chocolate your favorite dessert.

Dark chocolate

What Foods are High in Iron for vegetarians


This is a vegetarian-friendly source of food. One cup of chickpeas supplies your body with 3.7mg of Iron. They can be a tasty addition to pasta dishes and salads. If you don’t like the texture, you can create iron-rich humus. You can also increase the absorption of non-heme Iron by eating foods rich in vitamin C.


One cup of spinach supplies your body with 6.5mg of Iron a day – you’re better off eating it cooked. If you take raw spinach, you get 2.5mg of Iron from 100g. This is about 15% of the daily requirement. Spinach is also rich in vitamin C, which helps in the absorption of Iron.

Fresh Baby Spinach

White beans

A 100mg of cooked white beans supply the body with 3.7mg of Iron – about 40% of the recommended daily intake of Iron. But here is the catch – beans contain phytic acid, which may reduce the absorption of Iron. To ensure you get the right amount of Iron, you should soak them overnight. Alternatively, you can serve white beans with vitamin C-rich vegetables like bell peppers or tomatoes. This is what will help to counter the effect of phytic acid. Of course, you can add white beans to soups, stews, and pasta dishes.

If you don’t have the time to soak your white beans, you can go for the canned versions (pay attention to sodium content).

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a delicious snack that can be enjoyed raw. Some folks use them as an ingredient by adding them to bread and muffins. When it comes to iron content, don’t underestimate these crunchy seeds. An estimated one-ounce serving supplies the body with 2.7mg of Iron. You can also combine pumpkins with other foods to boost iron intake in the body.


While soybeans are a popular vegetarian diet, they have a rich nutritional profile. One cup of soybeans supplies the body with 9.9mg of Iron – equivalent to 55% of the daily value for women. But as with other types of beans, it’s recommended that you soak them in warm water to get rid of phytic acid. You can also ferment soybeans to bring in real change.


A recent study published in the journal for nutrition suggests that potatoes are a good source of Iron. The russet potato is believed to be the richest – each contains 3.2mg of Iron. This is equivalent to 40% of DV for women. On the other hand, sweet potatoes (without the skin) provide the body with 2.2 mg of Iron. Potatoes are also rich in vitamin C, which helps in the absorption of Iron.



Mushrooms (not all varieties) have a high amount of Iron. A raw mushroom supplies the body with 0.5mg of Iron. If you cook them, you increase this number to 1.25mg. Studies suggest that consuming lots of mushrooms can enhance the formation of red blood cells.

Foods That are High in Iron

Iron deficiency is a common problem in pregnant women and children. If you want to add more Iron to your body, you may want to incorporate the above foods into your diet. So best eat more foods that are high in Iron.

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