Economy Hearing Gifts Devices to Third World Country

Economy hearing gifts devices to third world country. The news is always negative with protests, bombings, and people dying, but occasionally there is a feel-good story on the internet that touches everyone’s heart John Bachman, owner of Economy Hearing in Oklahoma City, traveled to Kenya on a mission trip to support the Starkey Hearing Foundation.

This foundation is known throughout the world for the charitable acts that they complete in fitting both adults and children with hearing aids. These are people struggling to find healthcare and have no options when it comes to caring for their hearing.

Economy Hearing Gifts Devices to Third World Country

Economic Hearing donates a small portion of each of their hearing aids to this cause. They also travel on mission trips to outfit these hearing aids to those in need. It takes a lot of effort to go to these various countries including trips to Honduras as well as several places in Africa.

Economy Hearing Gifts Devices to Third World Country

Economy Hearing Gifts Devices to Third World Country

Kenya was the most recent mission trip, and one of the most moving for Bachman.

Mission trips are experiences that stay with you for the rest of your life. Such is the case with this Kenya trip and John Bachman. He described the trip as eye-opening, and he enjoyed seeing the joy that these hearing aids brought into these people’s lives.

When they arrived in Kenya, it was right after a violent takeover of a mall in Nairobi. However, this didn’t dampen the event, and 400 people were in circus tents at a time getting outfitted with hearing aids.

Economy Hearing Gifts Devices to Third World Country

The whole experience was very moving for Bachman and citizens of Kenya are now enjoying improved hearing through donated devices.

Economy Hearing Gifts Devices to Third World Country 2

Economy hearing aid centers

It is thought that Malaria can have side effects that affect the hearing of individuals. These previous infections are why many people in Africa could be struggling with their hearing.

Thanks to companies like Economic Hearing and the Starkey Hearing Foundation provide a higher quality of life to those in need.

Read more – Traveling Abroad for Medical Tourism

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