Diabetes: Five Facts Everyone Should Know About Diabetes

Five facts everyone should know about Diabetes. Diabetes is a growing concern for many people. Many health organizations are beginning to consider the growth and widespread of the disease to be approaching epidemic levels.

This disease can affect young and old alike, and it does not discriminate when it comes to sex, race, or religion.

Type 2 diabetes requires constant care of a physician due to necessary testing, the need for personal tracking of blood sugar and medicines to control blood sugar levels.

Top Facts Everyone Should Know About Diabetes

Diabetes: Five Facts Everyone Should Know About Diabetes

Facts Everyone Should Know About Diabetes

While all that may sound daunting, most physicians and nutritionists believe that a significant number of people affected by this disease can stay as healthy as possible by just following some specific advice.

Dr. Andres Palacio, M.D., who is a practicing endocrinologist in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, shares the following tips. First, to start the day correctly, a proper breakfast is critical. Your first meal of the day should be well balanced and include fats, proteins, and carbs.

For those with Type 2 diabetes that means foods with high carb levels such as doughnuts or muffins are not wise choices as they will result in a blood sugar spike.

Diabetes Five Facts Everyone Should Know About Diabetes (1)

Next, do not let the weather affect your health. In times of extreme cold or heat, many people will choose to stay indoors, be more sedentary, and seek comfort foods. Doing this is an excellent recipe for weight gain, so make sure you do not fall into that trap.

Instead, take action, which leads to the third fact, exercise is a must for anyone with diabetes. Most people with diabetes will be instructed by their doctor to do a minimum of 30 mins of exercise five times a week, although an hour is preferred.

The good news is that smaller bursts are just as beneficial, so if you can’t make it to the gym for an hour, three twenty minute brisk walks will provide the same health benefits.

The Most Important Facts Everyone Should Know About Diabetes

The fourth fact that many people do not realize is that people with diabetes need to be vigilant and take extra care of their gums.

Research has proven that people with diabetes are more susceptible to certain bacterias that cause the type of severe gum disease that results in tooth decay and loss.

So brushing twice a day, flossing or using a water flosser is not a suggestion, it is mandatory.

Top Five Facts Everyone Should Know About Diabetes

Facts Everyone Should Know About Diabetes

Fascinating Facts Everyone Should Know About Diabetes

Finally, a good night’s sleep is vital for many reasons. “People think blood sugar is regulated by insulin, but many hormones play a role” according to Dr. Palacio. Sleep helps people balance their hormones and helps to maintain proper daily rhythms.

To help get a good night’s sleep, try to curb late meals or late night activities as they will tend to make it harder for you to fall asleep. Also, unplug or turn off your phones, tablets, or computers at least one full hour before going to bed.

The blue light these devices work off of has been shown to suppress the sleep hormone melatonin according to the National Sleep Foundation.

Read more – Lower The Risk of Diabetes and Live Longer With These Tips!

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