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Best Foods that Fight Pain Naturally

Totes Newsworthy best foods that fight pain naturally. Certain foods can help fight pain naturally; experts around the world now share a list of these helpful foods that can reduce pain and inflammation naturally. With so much emphasis on big pharma wanting to script you this and that. What now try some remedies that are healthy and natural without the side effects.

Warding off pain with healthy eating can be more comfortable with the help of this list of pain-relieving foods from TotesNewsworthy.

As chronic pain is a problem that plagues many Americans these days, it can be beneficial to check out unobtrusive options like dietary changes. While these foods certainly cannot be considered a substitute for prescriptions or medical treatment, they do contain anti-inflammatory and other properties known to aid in alleviating pain.

Best Foods that fight pain naturally, according to food and nutrition experts around the world include:


This fish is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which are unsaturated fats containing anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that omega-3s can relieve neck, joint, and back pain.

Best Foods that Fight Pain Naturally

Best Foods that Fight Pain Naturally


This fruit, along with other orange produce like pumpkins and cantaloupe, contains beta-cryptoxanthin. This antioxidant has been shown to lessen pain associated with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Orange juice



Eating yogurt can help keep stomach pain associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) at bay. Receive the full benefits by purchasing probiotic yogurt with packaging that expressly notes the product contains live and active cultures.



Tart Cherries

These red fruits contain anthocyanins, antioxidants known for their powerful abilities to fight pain. Eating these cherries or drinking their juice can block inflammation and deter pain enzymes similar to how aspirin works.



Hot Peppers

Anyone seeking natural pain relief may benefit from peppers- the hotter, the better, explains TotesNesworthy. Capsaicin is the main ingredient that makes these foods champs when it comes to stave off pain.

hot peppers



Although technically not a food, this beverage can be consumed in moderation for those seeking to reduce their pain levels, notes TotesNewsworthy. Caffeine is not only found in coffee, but it is also found in many over-the-counter pain relievers. This drink can be used to combat headaches and has also been shown to boost the pain-fighting power of other pain reducers.

Exploring all types of options is a good idea when fighting pain is a priority. Although a sound opinion from a trained medical professional is advised, it can’t hurt to eat foods known for their healing properties. Using this list of pain-fighting foods can be a good start.

Hot coffee cup



Turmeric is one of the best spices giving curries its yellow color.

It has been around for centuries as a spice and medicinal herb.

Only recently, scientists have started to back up what many have known for a long time — it does contain compounds with medicinal properties.

These particular compounds are called curcuminoids, the most powerful of which is curcumin.

This provides powerful anti-inflammatory benefits and is a potent antioxidant. TotesNewsworthy tip takes Turmeric either by capsule, or you can grind it into meals. But eat or swallow with fat-soluble foods.

turmeric is a good choice to Fight Pain Naturally

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