Are There Rolling Blackouts in California Coming in 2022?

Are there rolling blackouts in California coming in 2022? That is a question on the mind of many weather and energy experts as Summer quickly approaches. Officials in California seem to think it is a definite possibility, and people should start preparing for them as soon as possible.

The fact that California has faced severe weather-related issues in recent years should not surprise anyone. For more than a decade, virtually the entire state has been affected by some level of drought. As lake levels, rivers, and groundwater reserves dwindle, climate challenges and energy supplies have been significant issues for most Californians.

High voltage elevated transformer bank with smoke being emitted before failure.

Are there rolling blackouts in California coming in 2022? Many safety, energy, and public officials in the state believe that power shortages, especially in the summer months, are likely. However, it is not just the long-lasting drought causing officials to warn of possible blackouts this summer.

Are There Rolling Blackouts in California Coming in 2022?

Here is a recent quote from Alice Reynolds, California Public Utilizes Commission President, when she was asked about possible rolling blackouts this summer. “We worried,” Reynolds stated. Then she continued, “We’re very humble about what might happen. We’re really analyzing what the worst case could be, and we’re trying to make sure we do everything we can to be prepared.”

Reynolds also explained that despite all the preparations currently underway to help avoid blackouts in California, the unpredictable factor is climate change. That is why it is critical for people to conserve as much water and energy as possible throughout the year but especially during the hot summer months.

Are There Rolling Blackouts in California Coming in 2022 (1)

What are rolling blackouts in California

During the hottest summer months, energy demands reach their peak as air conditioners in homes and businesses are in full use. Are there rolling blackouts in California coming in 2022? More experts believe the answer is yes and point to the combination of extreme heat, wildfires, and the unprecedented length of the statewide drought as the reason for the prediction.

There is also recent history that many climate and energy officials point to when assessing potential future energy issues. For example, in July of 2021, temperatures were the hottest on record, with many places in the state reaching more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Energy companies officials admitted capacities were strained to their limits.

Then again, in August of 2020, rolling blackouts occurred in California for two consecutive nights. According to California officials, extreme heat was to blame. That is why many people are wondering are there rolling blackouts in California coming in 2022.

Officials at Southern California Edison quickly point out that additional battery storage has been added to the grid since those occurrences. However, it is impossible to know if the state can avoid power shutoffs in 2022 or if they are inevitable.

July and August are historically the hottest months, so they are the most critical times to be prepared for possible power outages. Are there rolling blackouts in California coming in 2022? No one can say for sure; however, experts agree that starting to prepare now could make all the difference if they do happen.

Are There Rolling Blackouts in California Coming in 2022 (2)

Some items experts agree you will want to have in your possession before any possible energy issues include coolers, ice packs, flashlights, batteries, drinking water, canned food, and a can opener. If you can afford a generator, fill extra gas containers and have them ready. In many cases of extreme weather, power may not be restored in some areas for days or even weeks.

Take the time to do some serious research on historical outages in your area and current reports on possible future outages to determine the likely length of time you may be without power. Having at least one week’s worth of food, water, medicine, first aid supplies, and comfort items for each person in your household is the recommended minimum.

Are there rolling blackouts in California coming in 2022? No one can say for sure; however, being at least somewhat prepared for the possibility should help you sleep a little better at night. Energy supply margins in California during the summer months run historically tight. That is why so many people are still asking are there rolling blackouts in California coming in 2022. According to recent surveys, many experts believe the chances are better than good, so take the time to prepare as best you can now.

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